In a Rumble dream, the game looks at what bosses are unlocked, and calculates a points multiplier accordingly. If you've unlocked every boss you get the maximum multiplier; if you've just unlocked a few easy ones you get a small multiplier.
If you have the Dream Mentor bosses unlocked, but not Desert Treasure, the multiplier is lower than you might expect, since the Dream Mentor bosses consist of huge sacks of HP.
The calculation is the same regardless of whether your bosses are selected from the new Customisation menu or whether you're getting whatever quests the entire party's unlocked (i.e. the Rumbles you've had since launch).
This means that today's update doesn't actually give you much that you didn't have before. It just makes it easier to get that kind of Rumble without needing a specially customised account.
So people with a quest cape won't get the full points if they only select 5 bosses?
BloodAltar x
Big Michigan
I'm quite surprised that everyone is so happy about the NMZ update when now that the point rewards have been nerfed so severely it's better to go to the bot hosts because you can get so much more from it. I just don't understand the reasoning behind making it seem amazing by choosing the bosses you want but then make a 74k rewarding boss now only 5k.
I assume you're talking about "The Inadequacy" from Dream Mentor quest.
I'll also assume that since you are getting about 5k points for killing it, that you tried a hard rumble with Dream Mentor bosses and WITHOUT Desert Treasure bosses.
They did not nerf the points gained from bosses TODAY. They made this nerf a while ago; it's been this way since a few months after NMZ was released. If you have Dream Mentor bosses in a dream and do not have Desert Treasure bosses, the point values for all monsters are greatly reduced.
I guess they didn't like the idea of being able to AFK Dream Mentor bosses for best points/hr.
So if I have a quest cape and select both the Dream Mentor and DT bosses, I will get the full points?
Does this update affect iron-men? im just not quite sure *D
On my iron-man account - i haven't done certain quests so i have a good xp training method later when i get full dharocks, barrage, chins - so are you saying i can now do other quests and not stuff my account over?