A little info about NMZ points...
In a Rumble dream, the game looks at what bosses are unlocked, and calculates a points multiplier accordingly. If you've unlocked every boss you get the maximum multiplier; if you've just unlocked a few easy ones you get a small multiplier.
If you have the Dream Mentor bosses unlocked, but not Desert Treasure, the multiplier is lower than you might expect, since the Dream Mentor bosses consist of huge sacks of HP.
The calculation is the same regardless of whether your bosses are selected from the new Customisation menu or whether you're getting whatever quests the entire party's unlocked (i.e. the Rumbles you've had since launch).
This means that today's update doesn't actually give you much that you didn't have before. It just makes it easier to get that kind of Rumble without needing a specially customised account.
10-Mar-2016 10:50:51