So what does the lootshare system mean?
For example, I go pvm in a team of 3 and we got a 30m drop.
One guy got the item and me and another player get 10m potential? So if I got the potential should I ask him for a split of loot then? If we ask for the split then having lootshare is pointless. If we don't, lootshare gonna work only assuming we keep pvming and we did not pvm with someone with higher potential than us.
Why don't we propose a coinshare system? In addition to matching to the current highest bidder on GE, we can tax an extra 5-10% for splitting tax. So it can be another gold sink to those who use lootshare.
Even a shardshare could work. Some people here complain that shards gonna sell less on GE. How about shards would combine with some other shards on GE. If you put shards on GE, your shards will just wait for buyers just like a normal seller. And the shards would sell if someone buys an item and there is enough shard seller to combine the offer.
Person A: He put an AGS before you put your shards
You and some other people: Put 600 shards on GE
Person B: He bought the AGS from person A on GE as person A sells the item before you
Person C: He bought an AGS, from shards from you and other shard sellers.
04-Mar-2016 17:45:33