To all those saying coinshare could cause inflation
We can simply make the item sells at GE highest current bidder
Most expensive items have fair bid/ask price on GE and you won't be selling your ely for maybe 100m.
The only time it may not work is for newly released items, but assuming it always sell on the highest bidder, it doesn't do much hard to you and the economy.
And adding a tax to coinshare can also REDUCE inflation instead.
For example, 3 people get a dragon warhammer which sold for 60m and there is a 5% tax. Then each of you receive 19m and 3m is removed from the game as a cost for making pvm for convenient. It is a win-win for both.
Those people who insist no coinshare/lootshare or whatever are those who want to or who have scammed people. If you don't like it, disable it and no one force you to use it.
Btw, the lootshare system is useless. There is no way you can cash in your potential. It may work if you keep pvming with same group of people. If you get ely lsp and pvm with some other people, that is unfair to everyone else. And if you get lsp, should your friend who got ely split with you? If he split with you then it is unfair to him because you got lsp but he did not. LSP is only fair to everyone if you pvm with same group of people and it evens out in the long run.
The system without LSP AND POOLING DAMAGE is pointless. Some people want it because they can at least get LSP if they get scammed. Some other people want it because they can pool damage and do not need to worry someone maxed crashing them. But this system offers neither of these features. Pure lottery for drops is no different from the existing system. You still need to ask the guy to split the loot and you have to worry about being scammed.
05-Mar-2016 01:38:03