I believe one can vote yes just so it's more convenient for solo players. I mean it won't really make the boss fights easier, just less time consuming.
KiD BeeR
I believe one can vote yes just so it's more convenient for solo players. I mean it won't really make the boss fights easier, just less time consuming.
And why should we make this game even easier for solo players?
Don't vote yes for the prayer books issue. We don't want a bunch of people all wearing unfinished god books it'll make them too common. Don't ***** with the equilibrium of the game
if the god books are unfinished they have no bonuses anyway. Your argument is based on a personal cosmetic issue. After the players finish the quest they are still able to walk around with a uncompleted god book. Your argument is a little bit pathetic,
I will be voting yes on all of the questions on this poll
KiD BeeR
I believe one can vote yes just so it's more convenient for solo players. I mean it won't really make the boss fights easier, just less time consuming.
And why should we make this game even easier for solo players?
"More convenient" and "easy" aren't necessarily the same thing. Also, that is 2 less brews/restores that you can take to Dagannoth Kings instead of 0 (1 if you were the person bringing the axe to open the second set of doors).
Although I think it would've been better to add an agility shortcut requiring the Hard Fremmenik Diary to use instead of using the pet rock, since it would be less accessible to people. All this really does is it stops you from having to waste time by going into the Dagannoth Kings Minigame Chat to find someone to help you open the door, if that chat was ever empty (doubtful, but still probable) then you wouldn't be able to get to them if you had no friends online.
Chances are some people will not want to waste the inventory space, so this will most likely just be used when barely anyone is on or by people who really just cannot stand to deal with other people.
Don't vote yes for the prayer books issue. We don't want a bunch of people all wearing unfinished god books it'll make them too common. Don't ***** with the equilibrium of the game
if the god books are unfinished they have no bonuses anyway. Your argument is based on a personal cosmetic issue. After the players finish the quest they are still able to walk around with a uncompleted god book. Your argument is a little bit pathetic,
I will be voting yes on all of the questions on this poll
Pretty sure you still get the prayer bonus from them, but there is still no reason to vote no to this anyways, especially since it just makes it annoying for ironmen and players who want to fill the books with the pages they get themselves from clues, it would save a lot of bank space (having 1 of every page except for the 4th for all the books takes up 18 bank spaces, whereas if you could just have 1 of each book it would only take up 6).
How has no 1 brought up the fact about the inadequacy Boss?
Does this mean I can get max points in 5 minutes of farming the same boss? Seems a bit OP IMO, anyways.... if it passes ill surely just farm it and buy herb boxes for years.. seems legit.
"Who are you really? deep... deep down... far far in... Once you figure that out you will laugh your self Silly!" - Alan Watts.