The day has come, I take no position on whether to keep boosting alive or to disable it. I support whatever Jagex wants to do with it. Although, keep in mind now that you've mentioned the ability to hop from world to world a bunch of players are going to complain that they didn't have the option or knowledge that it existed prior to this update. This could create an unfair advantage to players now that have to earn it legit. Which causes more problems removing it then leaving it be. If the CWC community doesn't play for tickets then it doesn't effect w334. You could argue it will make Castle Wars more active but in reality your going to have 50+ pures afking their tickets and not playing. Which then causes the problem of unfair teams stacked with not playing players and other teams who are playing. None the less, boosting disabled or not again, I support any decision made just trying to open your eyes to the harm being done removing it.
17-Feb-2016 20:48:21
- Last edited on
17-Feb-2016 20:53:39
07 Season