
Dev Blog: Shard Share

Quick find code: 380-381-265-65747155

Apr Member 2014


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Just the most pressing issues I see after reading some comments:

"ShardShare will destory PvM clanning, because you can PvM with random people again."

To be honest, I'd still rather PvM with a clan, because the kills are most likely more efficient, plus you get to hang out with your friends. It's much more fun to PvM with people you know and can have fun with, rather than some guys who are just trying to kill the same boss as you are. Nevertheless, clanning isn't for everyone, so I think it's a great solution to those people. You're still perfectly able to PvM with a clan, but it opens opportunities for other people to PvM as well without relying on trust to split drops.

"LootShare is better than ShardShare."
That's a matter of preference. You can toggle the Shard option, so why deny that option to people who prefer that option? Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it shouldn't go into the game if others like it.

"InstantShare/Coinshare is the best option."
I agree, InstantShare would be a great option. However, there is a theoretical possiblity that there is no buy offer active, so what would you do in that case? High-alch prices are usually extremely low compared to the item value.
Coinshare would cause mass-inflation, so it's probably the worst solution.

"ShardShare looks like RS3, gtfo RS3."
Not all RS3 updates are bad lol.

10-Feb-2016 10:52:57 - Last edited on 10-Feb-2016 10:53:17 by TomNumbers

Jess Kidding
Jan Member 2024

Jess Kidding

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I wouldn't mind this but would prefer if non ranks weren't allowed to access it.

I kinda dislike the idea of having to enter a separate chat in order to use it. Id hate the members of the clan i am in to be split between two chats.

Personally, i would just like "instant share"..

10-Feb-2016 11:16:12 - Last edited on 10-Feb-2016 14:29:49 by Jess Kidding

Blind Tyrant

Blind Tyrant

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12 year vet, I do not post on forums often. COIN SHARE! Do not say the majority of the community didn't like it before you poll it.

Most intelligent people do not care for the idiotic mess of Twitter and Reddit. If you are pulling information from these sites and not Runescapes you are listening to the newer generations of players that should have little to no decision on what is changed in the game.

This is the age of stare at your phone like a zombie, and anyone that deep into social networking without good reason is most likely a brainless idiot.

Please do not take information from places like Twitter, as the people that are suggesting the changes are probably in a bee line for a tree because they are too busy looking at their phone to drive.

10-Feb-2016 12:04:51

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The majority of the comments I saw on the lootshare/coinshare dev blogs were positive. There was far more support for those systems than this. I loved the idea of coinshare only working if it completes an existing G.E. offer and not generating coins that weren't already in-game. These shards are not a good idea at all, figured you all would have learned that by how often they are traded in rs3. Maybe this would have gotten more support if you didn't completely throw out the idea of traditional lootshare/coinshare, which most players would prefer.
The way things are looking for this, it is far less likely to pass a poll than lootshare is, but I guess we won't know until you've realized your mistake and decide to poll lootshare instead after seeing this has so little support.

10-Feb-2016 12:32:16

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Pot of Flour said :

When you do coin share it has to assign money to players when the item is dropped. Meaning if its not in demand it will put the offer in there for the amount it's worth even if its not correct, and create cash instantly for the drop. Imagine new items that come out that actually kinda suck and are worth a lot less than their ge value, or the ge doesn't actually have any offers in at the time, so what it does is create money on something that may never sell.

What shardshare does is avoid that, and makes sure there is items made.

Did you read the dev blog for coinshare? The item would instantly sell for the highest grand exchange offer. The same thing clans do now, but instant. It would be for what a real player is offering of coins that are already in game, and that player would receive the actual item. It does not just generate coins if the offer can not be completed like the original coinshare did.

10-Feb-2016 12:40:33



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Vinyl DjPon3 said :
This seems pointless, why not just have it be coin share then? With the original idea of it being sold in GE.

Why create a completely new system.......when it works exactly the same?

ShaunDreclin said :
Why would somebody buy 300 item shards and combine them unless it was cheaper than buying the item normally? The shards won't sell on the GE unless they're cheaper

Another reason this is a horrible idea.
Shards won't sell, except for lower than they're technically worth.
The original Coin Share idea was much better because it meant that the people who get the drop get an even split of the actual value.

I was in complete support of the original Lootshare and Coin Share ideas

I agree completely with this user.

Why create an entire new system? People would have no incentive to buy 300 shards to purchase an item which would mean price drops on the GE and less of a return for their PVM investment due to shard distribution.

Surely it would be better for drops to be converted to the coin-based value of the item on the GE. It's average price. And if there's an issue of not being able to sell the item immediately through the GE, surely implementing a system wherein players recieve representative tokens (or shards) that convert to coins when the item finally sells on the GE for it's average price.

10-Feb-2016 12:41:21

Sep Member 2009


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So many people that doesn't use the forum/reddit/twitter/twitch that wont have a say on this :/

Instant Share
You could set the Item to not going below 20%, in case it doesm, it will then generate the
Mid price -20% Cash.

Or how about

1. Get the drop
2. Generate the money
3. The Item goes straight into G.E for mid price
4. This item will keep being in G.E for the mid price(Gets updated too)
5. Someone buys it
6. Money gets deleted.

This will generate/throw away a little amount of coins everytime the item is raising or falling in price.

To be honest, I don't care for LootShare, It was fun to do sometimes but I loved CoinShare way more... ShardShare for me can be a replacement but I definitely would vote LS/CS over SS.
I am still with the people who want LS tho, I loved the flaws it had.

I remember once I were at Corp I received like 98% of the loot after missing 2 Elysians, however when the Divine dropped I didn't get it, oh god I was so mad... But when thinking back at it, I laugh instead.
What are you, a concerned beaver?

10-Feb-2016 12:50:27 - Last edited on 10-Feb-2016 13:10:40 by Kim

Mar Member 2015


Posts: 1,048 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gf RS3 idea put into 07. You should leave it the way it was when it came out on on the original 07 based game. And i don't really see many people buying shards instead of just buying the actual item. This i believe will mostly lead to ffa by higher levels and i mainly see lower levels using this cause they need the money.

10-Feb-2016 12:54:03

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