This is stupid what the heck is shard share, like ok you claim lootshare had negative
feedback without even giving it a vote, then you guys come up with this idea, why?
This was suppose to be osrs, but its everything but that. Also when you propose updates and
go with the idea of the 75% community, keep in mind that some updates have no right to
even be judged by a percentage of that. Like d claws update, people cry of rushers and crap,
but you're in the wilderness....... It's suppose to be dangerous. You are going to get rushed/
pjed no matter what. I swear the way the group that comes up with the ideas, and the way
they are implemented is so unorthodox. No one cares about the excess gold in "OUR" game
but you. You do a slapdash job of even getting plausible solutions together to rectify
situations. Just do lootshare and coinshare, it's that simple. I look at rs3 and then I see
people playing w.o.w. Not hardly a difference, Runescape is no longer Runescape it's a
knockoff of the competition. Like seriously like this shardshare bull is even .000034%
feasible. Why is it so hard to be original? It's nice how most if not all of us were force to
restart our accounts in order to enjoy this game, only for you guys to jerk us again. You only
live once and I as well as others have spent more than enough time the first go around.
All of those heads and still not enough brain power to bring about something that's decent,
not even mediocre. SMH
10-Feb-2016 05:00:25