I don't understand why can't we have both?
What's the reason behind dropping LS entirely? You've yet to poll that and I bet the place you got majority of your feedback from, is reddit.
No offense, but this game will stagnate eventually and people will wonder why it will die out.
People are against PvP armor (revs), d claws, summoning/dungeoneering, TOOLBELT and a lot other stuff.
I'm definitely sorry that JaGeX messed up and ruined RS pre-eoc, but that doesn't mean OSRS has to follow the same path by not adding new content only because people dislike the idea. Wasn't the entire point of GE to release LOOTSHARE eventually? Like what happened? You released GE and it took you so long to talk about lootshare that people have actually forgot why GE was voted so heavily for in the first place.
09-Feb-2016 15:29:08
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09-Feb-2016 15:29:23