I think ShardShare would be the best way to go about doing any kind of lootshare system. It shares drops equally and wouldn't have the problem of an item selling undervalue as in the InstantShare system.
However, to address the concerns about the discrepancy between the value of an item's shards and the item itself, I suggest making the items untradeable. The items would be able to be broken into the 300 shards, and the shards themselves could be easily put together into the item. So, the item would have a right-click option to break into shards, and the shards would have a right-click "make item" option. This way if you want to buy the item, you have to buy the shards, which will be at market value. Also, this way shards would definitely be traded on the GE and in the market as there is no other way to buy the item.
09-Feb-2016 21:31:21
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09-Feb-2016 21:36:23