hype on instantshare, will vote yes if it's the only way instantshare would be possible in the future. I personally probably wont use lootshare. I'd rather just pvm with people I trust and get a fair split than go weeks dry getting "lsp" instead of gps
edit: really glad you fixed the point of decay though. Although I almost feel like negative LSP have absolutely no decay is really depressing. For example: you get elysian drop and your lsp is now -800m, and you take some time away from the game because who knows what. then you come back and you're guaranteed next to 0 drops for ages if you want to do more casual bosses than corp such as bandos. i mean you have to miss ~ 30 tassets before you even get back to 0....and something tells me 0lsp will probably still be bottom of the barrel in terms of getting loot. so you get an ely, then you bandos for 10k gra'ador kc just to get your lsp back to 0. Doesn't that seem a bit extreme? I mean I know an ely is a huge deal but maybe a 1% decay every week or something (only if your negative lsp) ? just to give it a boost to reseting back to 0 while bossing so it doesn't feel like you'll NEVER get another drop after you finally get that sweet ely.
04-Feb-2016 12:13:19
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04-Feb-2016 12:17:56