One thing I really want to see is a way to disable LSP, or just a completely random mode. The reason for this is clan events and similar situations; for those it is nice to use Lootshare so everyone can see the drop and has a chance at, but if someone had high LSP it can ruin the whole thing. Like if we were doing a TzHaar event, we need Lootshare to see the drops and we can't split drops like Tokkul since they are untradeable; but if someone just missed a Sigil at Corp, either they get all the drops and ruin the event for others or they would have be asked to leave the event. So having a way to still use Lootshare for the damage drop and drop displaying aspect but keeping who gets the drops 100% random without LSP factoring in would be useful.
As for the other questions, I think the LSP part of Lootshare should use an alternate system with more even splits and not the old top 2 system. LSP should be visible, but could be vague as well; you should at least know if your LSP is negative, around 0, positive (100k), medium positive (over 1m), or high positive (over 10m) or something like that. I also don't think Decay is really needed; if it does return it should be smaller. I'd say make all worlds Lootshare, possibly leaving a few as "free for all" world without it.
29-Jan-2016 15:05:29