As it stands I'm probably going to vote in favor of the inferno but against the new cape (thanks for making them separate options). I'm in favor of a new cape, and it being stronger than fire cape is fine but I still think this is too much. +4 strength and +3 attack is comparable to wearing 2 fire capes, which completely trumps any other cape in the game; not good. BiS is fine but it's should be a small upgrade - so what if its small, its still the best and that's enough to make people want it. My suggestion for the new cape is lowering the strength bonus to 6 or 7, and making the attack bonus the opposite of defenders', ie something like +2 stab, +3 slash, +4 crush. I think that would be good balance with the ardy cape as well as be especially fitting for the thzaar since I feel crush is their prefered style.
20-Jan-2016 16:22:14