HOLD THE UPDATE OFF!!!! Quality > Quantity. Also whoever designed that cape, I'm sorry, it looks like **** and you don't understand oldschool art design.
Also P.S. since this is my first post, I hope a mod reads this, ZEAH IS NOT OLDSCHOOL ARTSTYLE. No life, way to large, rushed content, unnescessary.. That place could've been so great if it had "life" in it, shopkeepers, NPCs, trees, skillings places. You guys are really botching this game, and I'm glad you're trying to listen to the community, but whoever is running this godamn ****show do you not understand you are steering most of your ideas right into the path of RS3. It's hard to please everyone, but ****.. we will be asking for a new set of 2007 servers soon because Zeah is literally an embarassment. /rant off
Thanks for the content guys, I do like oldschool. Just fire the ***** who think RS3 did ANYTHING right. Love ya, stay beautiful
20-Jan-2016 14:45:44