Here's my take on exploration and discovery: OSRS v Khourend.
OSRS. There's some guidance: tutorial island.
You start off in one area and it's compact and you get used to it. Then there's the lure of other, distinct cities/places farther afield. So you go and visit them (waywardly) and discover them. And skills, quests, and stuff to do. Then you move on.
Khourend thus far. The skills we know. The specifics of the content...no idea. New areas? No idea, it's just one sprawling mass with a few bits kind of lumped together here and there. There seems to be nothing in them at the moment and nothing to do so ...
On reflection a release more like Prif (smaller area, bit by bit, but fuller) would have been better. I haven't brought myself to do anything in Khourend yet because it simply takes too long to get from A to B to find that there's nothing to do anywhere and when your run energy runs out it just gets boring walking.
I'm sorry to say that currently it's a complete bust. Worst thing I've seen you do. And that bloody country jig crap. How do I delete it from my system. Worst music you've ever made. And that includes a couple of crap ones from RS3 (where 97% of the music is very good).
Please introduce quick travel immediately or it's completely dead until I need blood and soul runes. After them it will then go back to being dead, dead, dead.
08-Jan-2016 00:11:27