
Dev Blog: Halloween 2015

Quick find code: 380-381-223-65682677

Nova Warlock

Nova Warlock

Posts: 482 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Honestly think the pet shouldn't be 100%, it should be a random chance to get it. I know it doesn't sound fair, but honestly pets are becoming way too common in the game, and to get a pet that you can only get once a year would be perfect.


OSRS - Road to Max
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23-Sep-2015 02:47:18

Jun Member 2018


Posts: 25 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Not sure if anyone has pointed it out, but this is your main thread

"All Hallows Eve is almost upon us again and, as usual for this time of year, Death is hosting his annual Halloween Party. The only issue is has an unwelcome guest that he just can't seem to rid himself of and he’s not invited!"

"...the only issue is has.."

Did you mean

"The only issue is that he has an unwelcome guest..." ?

botched that...and it needs to be fixed! :) Just looking out for you!

23-Sep-2015 02:57:45



Posts: 89 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Too all the people who think the older seasonal items should be "rare", I say to you that your being selfish. They are cosmetic items with no statistical worth, and where given to you all for free, for very little effort. Under no circumstances should they become super valuable like they did in the past, and I think they are still worth to much. They are a gift to us, that all players new and old should be able to enjoy.

If anything they should make them all untradeable so people stop trying to make money from them, also so new accounts cant get accelerated funds by selling them off. This would cement there status as fun little cosmetic items gifted to us by the Dev's.

On a different note, thanks Dev team... I came to osrs a bit late and am looking forward to getting my hands on these items. As an avid fashionscaper from 2006, its nice to be able to finally own some of these items. But like many others I will vote no on a free pet, having everyone tote one around will be bad for my graphics card, and overall annoying.

23-Sep-2015 06:10:42

Jan Member 2018


Posts: 791 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think it would have been better to say that these rares wouldn't come back in the game. So they get a higher value. Like the h'ween masks, santa hats, party hats.
Maxed CB on 09.02.2017
Maxed total 25.05.2022
Member of divine kings #1 PvP clan , clan chat "DK Army".

23-Sep-2015 06:29:55

Apr Member 2013


Posts: 1,391 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How many times we have to say... we dont want 1.000.000 pets in the game....

First the chocolate bunny with easter and now the pet

If u you a pet go kill a boss or do some skilling after the (stupid) skilling pet update O_o

23-Sep-2015 07:36:14



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Everything looks good aside from the pet (#petscape) and giving out the "rares". I understand the untradable cosmetics, but we don't need any more hweens or pumpkins. The game is flooded with them as is.

23-Sep-2015 08:28:05



Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here is my thought about it all.

1) The event is fine in itself.

2) The rares, as others have said, are usually holiday items. Giving them away for free is no big threat in my opinion - just people are hording them up (over 1k each "rare&quot ;) , etc.

3) The pet which people seem to be complaining about. I say, just let it be and keep it as an extra-hard task completion. Why? Because what people FAIL to realize is that other people can NOT obtain pets besides Cats. Skillers and certain Pures are unable to get Boss pets unless extremely lucky with a huge amount of friends and recoil rings. Even then, it would take an insane amount of time to obtain a pet, and many many failed accounts.
So yes, I would like to see something come out which isn't revolving around high combat level accounts.

23-Sep-2015 09:01:29



Posts: 94 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
King Kai said :
could we please individually poll all the following rewards:

Anti-Santa's new, comfortable attire (to be revealed during the event).
A pet tortured soul.
An invitation to Death's Halloween party.
A new, deathly wallkit for your player-owned house.
The Ash emote.

I see no reason why not if the community as a whole wants this (they don't though).
King Kai said :

Skeleton outfit.
Jack lantern mask.
Zombie head.
The Scared emote.
Black *'ween mask.
Grim reaper hood.
Red, blue and green h'ween masks.
An additional green skin colour from the Makover Mage.

No, discontinueds aren't a thing.
Teequoze said :
I think it would have been better to say that these rares wouldn't come back in the game. So they get a higher value. Like the h'ween masks, santa hats, party hats.

Why do people suddenly fail to grasp that they are supposed to be inherently worthless, that the OSRS team thinks this failed the first time around and that they're doing it right this time? It's not changing.

23-Sep-2015 09:58:16 - Last edited on 23-Sep-2015 10:00:07 by Sheliek

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