Too all the people who think the older seasonal items should be "rare", I say to you that your being selfish. They are cosmetic items with no statistical worth, and where given to you all for free, for very little effort. Under no circumstances should they become super valuable like they did in the past, and I think they are still worth to much. They are a gift to us, that all players new and old should be able to enjoy.
If anything they should make them all untradeable so people stop trying to make money from them, also so new accounts cant get accelerated funds by selling them off. This would cement there status as fun little cosmetic items gifted to us by the Dev's.
On a different note, thanks Dev team... I came to osrs a bit late and am looking forward to getting my hands on these items. As an avid fashionscaper from 2006, its nice to be able to finally own some of these items. But like many others I will vote no on a free pet, having everyone tote one around will be bad for my graphics card, and overall annoying.
23-Sep-2015 06:10:42