2) The rares, as others have said, are usually holiday items. Giving them away for free is no big threat in my opinion - just people are hording them up (over 1k each "rare"
, etc.
3) The pet which people seem to be complaining about. I say, just let it be and keep it as an extra-hard task completion. Why? Because what people FAIL to realize is that other people can NOT obtain pets besides Cats. Skillers and certain Pures are unable to get Boss pets unless extremely lucky with a huge amount of friends and recoil rings. Even then, it would take an insane amount of time to obtain a pet, and many many failed accounts.
So yes, I would like to see something come out which isn't revolving around high combat level accounts.
As a 1 def, 1 pray pure and proud owner of a KBD pet, Chaos Ele pet, and Mole pet, I'ma say to you.... wat m8?
Voting heckle naw on freebie pet.
Pures CAN get many pets, especially pures with prayer.
Skilling pets are coming out for skillers already. We don't need new cats too.
23-Sep-2015 11:52:37
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23-Sep-2015 11:55:08
Mod Ronan
These two additional skin colours from the Makeover Mage:
Thanks for listening to my suggestion!
The event sounds like lots of fun too
"Decadence is the total loss of unconsciousness, which is the very basis of life. Could it think, the heart would stop beating." — Fernando Pessoa
23-Sep-2015 15:13:14
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23-Sep-2015 20:37:24
Farfetched idea for sure, but I'd personally like some sort of quests that are generated from events. The idea of events have been ongoing for years, but seeing as I've played RS for sometime now (since about 06). The main concept of event's has not really been updated. You log on, complete a task at the designated event spot and get a reward. It's fun yes, but let's stray away from fun and go for something EXCITING AND FRESH.
Starting the Halloween event normally, complete the task of getting anti-santa out of Death's mansion. (normal event rewards) --- Further along, Anti-Santa is kicked out of death's mansion and finds himself on an "island" (the same one that zaros - level 9001 was on in a previous event). Anti Santa meets zaros (who is still "stranded"
And tell's Anti-Santa that he can use his dark and ancient magic to grant 3 wishes, as long as 1 wish helps him get off the island and reclaim what is rightfully his. This could lead to a dramatic reintroduction of ZAROS back to OSRS, something that was never seen in RS previously. This would open a gateway to new master + grandmaster quests, new weapons + armor, new emotes, new npc's, new magic spells, possibly a new skill, and of course a new face to OSRS.
This is just an example of what I mean. Of course I'm sure development like this requires a lot more planning. But it would definitely be something that really hasn't been done before.