A very popular idea over the past year and more has been to add little improvements to each of the skillcapes - to give them more of a reason to be worn when training the related skill!
Well we agree and have been working on collecting ideas for the skillcapes but we feel some of these ideas could be improved and want your help! Either post your ideas and feedback here or tweet me or Mod John C .
The feature we add to each cape should fit certain criteria:
Current Perks

Rather than having to gather Warriors Guild tokens, if you wear your attack skillcape, you will gain free access to the defender dropping Cyclops.

It is hard to come up with ideas for the melee combat skills, but this does seem appropriate. We thought about having it perm boost to 100, but it wouldn't really be useful at all versus any cape with an offensive bonus.

Would act as a permanent Ring of Life! It would not degrade upon using like the ring does. Thanks for submitting this suggestion! We like it

This seems logical - while not having the stats of the Ava device, it does give you an alternative, something you can use to show off with but still have your ammo picked up.

This will not stack with the Holy wrench but will allow you to save that inventory space rather than having to bring one with you. Seems appropriate for obvious reasons. We thought about making it count as a Saradomin item in GWD but this feels better.

This would allow you to use spellbook swap regardless of which spellbook you are using once a day. It would also not require access to the lunar spells.

This will not stack with the prayer. (It could do though, get your feedback in). Would provide a nice effect, the prayer after all is low level and doesn't use many prayer points to use.

This would allow access to any and all Runecrafting altars including any future altars if we choose to add them. Most RCers would use abyss, acting as all tiaras could be not too useful, decreasing the chance of the pouches degrading when being filled might be better.

Similar to the Magic cape idea, allows you to have quick access to teleport portals, and hence should have a limit. This would also mix it up a little from the standard PoH teleport to your portal.

Allows you to show off your Agility cape rather than having to wear Graceful. Seems fitting that when you want to conserve run energy around Gielinor that you wear your Agility cape!

You would not be able to do this while you already have one in your inventory. Another one that we would definitely appreciate suggestions on. Feels a bit weak as a perk but could provide help in a few situations.

This is unlocked via the hard Ardougne achievement diary. We believe this isn't devaluing the diary reward, a 99 in one stat just for one of the benefits of that diary is fair.

Certainly seems appropriate, would be a nice little perk for anyone who is wanting to use any of the content there (guilds themselves could be more useful too though).

You would not be able to do this while you already have one in your inventory. Another one that we would definitely appreciate suggestions on. Feels a bit weak as a perk but could provide help in a few situations.

Duradel et al. would recognize you are a very experienced slayer yourself and would be happy to let you repeat your last task - This would only be doable once. Once you have used the repeat on a task, the next day you would have to get a completely new task.

You would be able to teleport with the cape to either the red chin spot or black chin spot. You would be able to teleport a maximum of 5 times per day with both teleports counting towards that same 5.

The effect of the hard Varrock Armour is to have a 10% chance of receiving a double ore from the rock you mine including the xp for that extra ore all the way up to adamantite.

That XP boost increasing the XP received for smelting a Gold bar by about 2.5x. This was another skill we struggled for ideas with, feel free to suggest something else.

This would hence provide a small boost to your catch rate when fishing - hence this would be a very slight XP boost per hour. Feels a tad artificial so if there are any better suggestions, we'll definitely take them into account.

Currently many items can still be burnt at 99 cooking, Cooking gauntlets prevent you burning shark but not Dark crabs, Sea Turtles and Manta Rays. We propose that the Cooking cape would stop you burning everything currently in game.

This would be a light source that couldn't go out when failing an agility shortcut or the like. Would allow you to free up an inventory space.

Similar to what people thought the Rabbit's foot necklace did, but doesn't. When chopping a tree there is a small % increase chance of having a bird's nest drop.

This would stack with any other boosts you can get for increasing yield, i.e. the Magic secateurs etc. This number can also be changed with ease if anyone thinks it is too high or too low.

Sailing (if it had passed - just left in as an easter egg

When sailing you have a chance of generating a rare event based on the upgrades you have added to your ship. If you wear this cape while sailing, this chance would be increased slightly - and there is plenty of reason to sail past 99!
The Max Cape
Firstly, the Max cape is currently being developed by Mod Maz and will be another few weeks away yet. It is far bigger than the other content in the QoL poll given the graphics requirements for an epic emote etc! This cape would be released before this project, and hence we must consider it.
We have two options:
Given the perks are not really related to one another, we don't have a problem with it giving all the perks simultaneously - they are small and only provide a little help. Your feedback would be appreciated here.
Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

11-Sep-2015 11:57:09 - Last edited on 21-Sep-2015 08:10:52 by Mod Kieren