Perhaps the Defence skillcape could provide a small defensive boost, might be a bit OP to have at all times so maybe when HP goes below certain percentage
But yeah this is one of these updates where it's just like so obvious this should have been done from the very beginning that nobody can oppose it except in specific cases like I mentioned
OF COURSE make ranged cape accumulator please, 100%. God yes please that would be amazing.
Prayer - additional prayer bonus
***points - increase max hp by 5
Fishing - don't need net or harpoon or bait etc to fish anywhere
Woodcutting - 10% chance of a log cut not counting for the potential death of a tree (idk so tree lasts 10% longer, not sure how you calculate tree lifetimes)
T r y p t
But yeah this is one of these updates where it's just like so obvious this should have been done from the very beginning that nobody can oppose it except in specific cases like I mentioned
OF COURSE make ranged cape accumulator please, 100%. God yes please that would be amazing.
Prayer - additional prayer bonus
***points - increase max hp by 5
Fishing - don't need net or harpoon or bait etc to fish anywhere
Woodcutting - 10% chance of a log cut not counting for the potential death of a tree (idk so tree lasts 10% longer, not sure how you calculate tree lifetimes)
I really like that fishing one. It's useful. Also woodcutting should be increased nests. Prayer definitely should increase your max prayer points, like 105 but ONLY when praying at an alter.
18-Sep-2015 09:57:39
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18-Sep-2015 09:57:57
whenever you grind out a set of gear to get increased experienced on something why does the experience boost have to be so low sometimes it could take so long if a full set gave 2.5% increased experience so if you were to catch 40 of something it would be like catching 41 why does it have to be so low on experience gains?
As for defence, perhaps a guaranteed block of a PvM hit x amount of times per day? With a cool down of course. I quite like the idea of maybe a chance of cooking, fishing, fletching, firemaking 2 resources at a time? Capped at a certain amount a day which lasts 1-3 minutes each boost?