Personally, I have never liked the idea of Skill Capes having perks. The Skill Capes, like the other Capes of Accomplishment, were intended as ways to show off your achievement; any use from the level 99 should come from the skill itself and not the prestige item you get for it.
That being said, while I would rather not add uses to prestige items, I wouldn't mind as much if they are minor effects. The problem I see so far is some are far better than others. For example, the Agility Cape acting as Graceful makes sense, but that is something that I, with 75 Agility, already have access to. The 5 free daily teleports to my Portal Room from the Construction Cape however is something that I currently cannot do and is only from have 99. Some things seem inconsistent like Woodcutting and Fishing giving a level boost, while Mining counts as varrock armor. Also, why would I want a cape for 99 to act as chest armor I already own? The varrock elite lets it stack with prospector, so no reason to add a way around that.
Also, I don't think capes should use teleport; it devalues existing teleports like the combat bracelet's warrior guild and the skill's necklace crafting guild. Also, unlimited crafting guild teleports could replace rings of dueling since there is a bank there. Teleports are also rather lacking compared to nice effects like the Cooking Cape.
So some capes are far better than others. It is a very tricky balancing game and I am not sure if you can get it right; the skill are all very different and trying to find an equal buff for each may not be possible. The capes are meant to show off your 99, not be your reason to get 99; I still don't think the use from level 99 should come from the capes but the skill itself. But if you insist on putting perks on the capes instead of the level itself, ask yourself is this something that you would give a player for getting 99 or just something you'd put on a cape; if it is the latter, you should probably reconsider.
18-Sep-2015 14:47:26