Change Log
Abyssal tentacle lasts for 10,000 hits. Added new max hits for clarity. Added question offering a strength training option to the Abyssal tentacle.
Slayer is definitely one of the Old School RuneScape

Below you'll find some ideas from the community for new items for these monsters to drop and we'd like your feedback on them.
Remember, nothing is set in stone and we are happy to change the details of the items based on your feedback, so make sure that you comment below with what you think of them!
Kraken Tentacle
The kraken tentacle will be dropped by the kraken boss and from the cave kraken at a rarer rate. You can attach a kraken tentacle to an abyssal whip to create a new weapon, the abyssal tentacle . Requiring 75 attack to wield, the abyssal tentacle has +8 Slash & +4 Strength more than an abyssal whip, equating to 1 extra damage, it also has a chance to poison your opponent for 4 damage. The special attack for the abyssal tentacle consumes 50% of the spec bar and it will bind an opponent for 5 seconds as well as increasing your chance of poisoning them.
However, the volatile nature of the tentacle will cause it to consume the whip component after it has dealt
Question: Should the kraken boss and the cave kraken drop the kraken tentacle as described in the New Slayer Drops developer blog?
Many of you have suggested this weapon should have a strength training option.
Question: Should the Abyssal Tentacle have an attack style for training strength?
Smoke Battlestaff

Question: Should the smoke devil boss drop the smoke battlestaff?
Occult Necklace
The Occult necklace is a new magical amulet that increases your magic damage by 10% and will stack with existing boosts. It will be dropped by the smoke devil and its boss variant. The occult necklace has a magic attack of 12 and prayer bonus of 2 and will require 70 magic to wield.
N.B: A combination of the Occult Necklace & SotD when barraging would take the max hit to 37.
Here's how the necklace compares with other existing amulets.

Question: Should the smoke devil and the smoke devil boss drop the occult necklace as described in the New Slayer Drops developer blog?
Mods Ash, John C, Mat K and Reach
The Old School Team

26-Mar-2014 16:58:49 - Last edited on 28-Mar-2014 12:42:31 by Mod John C