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I love these ideas, but is 5000 hits for the tentacle whip enough?
This is something I'm hoping you guys can give feedback on, if you take an average hit of 25 the whip would last for 500k xp.
An average of 25? Seems pretty high for an average. Also, I think the attack requirement should be 80, not 75. Godswords/god weapons require 75 attack already. You should change it up and increase the attack level for it. Also, the abyssal whip will be degraded and not the tentacle itself? I feel like the tentacle should degrade since it's from a "living thing" versus a whip being an inanimate object. Also, if prices were to stay at 1M for a whip (of course they won't), then that means that each time you reach the supposed 500k xp, you have to cash out another 1M. This might be worse than buying a crystal item. At least the price gets cheaper.
26-Mar-2014 17:38:52