
Dev blog: New Slayer Drops Thread is locked

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Mod John C

Mod John C

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Increasing the hits to 10,000 seems popular.

If there is a demand for the Abyssal tentacle to train strength we would poll it as a separate question.

26-Mar-2014 17:30:52



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Voting no on both of these items, here we go with the start of OP weapons coming into the game.

Whipping 48's with max strength bonus and barraging 38-39 with the necklace and staff of dead.

Nah, not for me. Sorry.

Exactly this. Either make them pvm only or you're killing pking, AGAIN.

Quit whining honestly, what makes you not able to get the kraken tentacle? Your slayer level? Buy one off us slayers then. :)

You clearly don't see it from our point of view. This update will ***** over hybrids, barraging 37's (confirmed by John) is a big step up on OSRS. Our food/armour isn't ready for this. 34's were bad enough but this is getting beyond the joke.

Its not the fact in the value of the item or how we get hold of it, its the power it has and this is exactly how they started to ruin the main game with OP weapons/armour coming into the game and making it a **** show for PKers.

26-Mar-2014 17:31:28

JohNNy 2step
Feb Member 2022

JohNNy 2step

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Voting no on both of these items, here we go with the start of OP weapons coming into the game.

Whipping 48's with max strength bonus and barraging 38-39 with the necklace and staff of dead.

Nah, not for me. Sorry.

Exactly this. Either make them pvm only or you're killing pking, AGAIN.

Quit whining honestly, what makes you not able to get the kraken tentacle? Your slayer level? Buy one off us slayers then. :)

It's not about being able to get one...if we're bringing in OP weps might as well bring back dclaws and chaotics :/. And if you don't think that would affect the game in a negative way then idk what to say :P

26-Mar-2014 17:31:30

Ms Glamazon

Ms Glamazon

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ok we got kraken then we gotta go to the wildy for the other one yeah good looking out. so we basically got one new monster the other one was ripped off by the wildy rejuvenation because no one in their right mind is going to do that monster and get killed by pk clans, unless they are with a pk clan protecting them. For real though, where are the real slayer updates we voted on monster that was going to be in rs proper not the wildy the first poll asked about new monsters and us to vote on the it didnt say crap about the wildy until you threw that other poll up. just to make pkers happy.

Also i paid for more aviansies and duradel havent assigned them yet and i will need to have my points refunded or the problem fixed. he havent even assigned a dust devil yet. I do have a quest cape and have full access to every task. He havent assigned many task just the same old dragons sp warriors abs specs gargs nechs and the occasional brine rat oh yeah he loves noob task like mogres and cave horrors. but no real variety if i got duradel as a master he need to be able to assign everything he is the highest slayer master for crying out loud!! if you can you can review my slayer log i wish i had a number for dragons i would be at like 10k probably by now and ab specs are up a lot too probably like 4k now, but if u think im bs-ing, check out my character for task.

You need to chill, Quit your rambling.

who in the hell are you to tell me to shut up? im making a statement just like you. I have a concern about slayer im going to speak up.

26-Mar-2014 17:32:46



Posts: 4,840 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This all looks pretty good guys, a few things..

The whip, instead of increasing its hits to more then 5000 I'd rather see this option that I think many would love..

5000 hits on your estimate it would be 500k exp. Now it could be doubled to 1m exp like others suggested but I would like to see it turn the whip into a strength option. It may devalue the ss a little bit.. But people would have the option to spend money on a whip every 500k exp to have that option or buy an ss and keep that item forever. I do not think it would devalue it to much. I also really don't want this to be exactly like the vine whip.. We don't wanna bum off those noobs ;p

As far as dust devil goes.. Amulet definitely great and needed. I do feel the dust devil boss deserves another drop. I am sorry but the steam battle staff does not count at all imo, sorry if you think im daft for having that idea but I truly feel this way regarding it.

Also.. We do not need range items to anyone suggesting it. You have a lvl 60 darkbow that can almost one hit anyone in game right now. MAgic needed the buff.

26-Mar-2014 17:32:52



Posts: 6 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Voting NO on all these suggestions.

Unless - The new items require the Slayer level to use them.

YES its not the money sink you were after I know that, but more buffed up gear for OLD SCHOOL. Really though?

26-Mar-2014 17:32:59

Aug Member 2023


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Voting no on both of these items, here we go with the start of OP weapons coming into the game.

Whipping 48's with max strength bonus and barraging 38-39 with the necklace and staff of dead.

Nah, not for me. Sorry.

Exactly this. Either make them pvm only or you're killing pking, AGAIN.

Quit whining honestly, what makes you not able to get the kraken tentacle? Your slayer level? Buy one off us slayers then. :)

Completely missing the point here. Sure I could buy one but I don't want overpowered weapons in the game. I could live with the upgraded whip, but that amulet is way too much. You can go back to slaying, please don't post again if you don't know anything about pking.

26-Mar-2014 17:33:25

Artie Bucco

Artie Bucco

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So when the abyssal tentacle degrades would the whole thing disappear or just the tentacle?

Just the whip will be consumed, you can feed a tentacle as many times as you please :)

Could you amend the first post by adding that into that into it? it doesn't clearly state that and I think if it did, people would be more inclined to vote in favor of it.

26-Mar-2014 17:34:18 - Last edited on 26-Mar-2014 17:34:37 by Artie Bucco



Posts: 186 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey Mods Smoke Battlestaff is amazing but does it degrade??, i really look forward to that staff which depending on it's value and wether it degrades or not, will crash fire runes prices.
I'm not a big fan of the market
so i find market chaos fun :D

26-Mar-2014 17:34:28 - Last edited on 26-Mar-2014 17:36:21 by Amarillo

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