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ok we got kraken then we gotta go to the wildy for the other one yeah good looking out. so we basically got one new monster the other one was ripped off by the wildy rejuvenation because no one in their right mind is going to do that monster and get killed by pk clans, unless they are with a pk clan protecting them. For real though, where are the real slayer updates we voted on monster that was going to be in rs proper not the wildy the first poll asked about new monsters and us to vote on the it didnt say crap about the wildy until you threw that other poll up. just to make pkers happy.
Also i paid for more aviansies and duradel havent assigned them yet and i will need to have my points refunded or the problem fixed. he havent even assigned a dust devil yet. I do have a quest cape and have full access to every task. He havent assigned many task just the same old dragons sp warriors abs specs gargs nechs and the occasional brine rat oh yeah he loves noob task like mogres and cave horrors. but no real variety if i got duradel as a master he need to be able to assign everything he is the highest slayer master for crying out loud!! if you can you can review my slayer log i wish i had a number for dragons i would be at like 10k probably by now and ab specs are up a lot too probably like 4k now, but if u think im bs-ing, check out my character for task.
You need to chill, Quit your rambling.
who in the hell are you to tell me to shut up? im making a statement just like you. I have a concern about slayer im going to speak up.
26-Mar-2014 17:32:46