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No Whip, No Necklace. You're going to kill this game just like you managed to murder RS3.
We don't want OP Weapons/Items, especially ones that degrade! Keep all of the unreasonably overpowered items/weapons in RS3, along with the degrading armors/weapons/items. You're just making the game worse.
Why not try adding something with more use instead of more power? It seems pretty logical to me. I like the idea of
Tentacle Whip and getting the Tentacle as a drop, but it should not make the weapon stronger, nor should it make the weapon degrade.
What you should do with it, is it make it so that adding the Tentacle to the Whip,
only gives it the ability to train strength
. The demand would be still be high (if not higher than what is currently proposed), it would not be overpowered, it would not degrade, and it would have a pretty good impact on the game.
It should however, require something like 75 Slayer to add the Tentacle to the Whip in order to keep it as a great slayer reward.
What I'm trying to say overall, is stop trying to introduce OVERPOWERED Weapons/Items, and instead introduce USEFUL Weapons/Items. Please.
Hot diggity. Where did you hear that idea for the tentacle giving the ability to train strength? I am sincere when I say that is one of the best ideas I've heard. Increase attack requirement to 75, don't change the stats at all, but give it a strength style. Fudge me. That's the bee's knees.
01-Apr-2014 13:46:07