It's not oldschool. "zentyte" is a generic fantasy schlock that doesn't fit the Old English naming conventions that runescape had for years before new management butchered it. Sailing is about locking content behind a grindwall, content from every aspect of the game. You're not going to have the best skilling, money making, resources etc unless you participate in this "skill". If you don't want to do slayer, then fine its just 2 dozen npcs you can't kill. Don't do sailing and you can't get access to skilling content that we should have by default already, holding you ransom instead of being about the concept of sailing itself. You can push sailing all you want because its a good business decision but its not the best thing for Oldschool and especially its not a realistic goal for the OSRS team. There's a reason why sailing was turned down as a skill for years by a much bigger, focused and experienced development team back during the golden days of runescape, they didn't think it fit Runescape and it wasn't a realistic idea to implement with Runescape's engine. Your team has butchered comparatively minuscule content in the past, you have no trust built up with the community for an idea like this. That's why sailing will fail the poll, you fail to learn from your previous mistake of artisan where the idea of the skill itself was weak and based on content from other areas of the game.
08-Sep-2015 21:29:11
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08-Sep-2015 21:34:32