I like the idea of Sailing but I'm very concerned about the new rewards. Why are we constantly getting offered best in slot equiptmen*? I feel like almost every month theres a new BIS piece of equiptment or O* money making method being introduced. This is supposed to be oldschool, but the max gear at the start of 2013 is already well outdated. Didn't the devs learn from the mistakes of rs3? Power Creep is a real thing you know...
Will this power creep continue in the future? Will we get new BIS to go over our new BIS in a year or two? Will this game look anything like 2007 runescape in a few years? Will we get to a point where damage potential is so high, and due to a cummalative effect of chucking heaps of new features into combat, and since max hp is still only 99, will we be put in a position where we need to change the combat system, you could say in an evolution of the combat?
Are we going to get an oldschool v2 in 2023?
08-Sep-2015 20:39:30