
DevBlog: Sailing - An Overview

Quick find code: 380-381-217-65675810

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Looks great!
Please don't make it leechable though. PvP would be awesome AT SOME POINT.
Also, quests! Make some easy quests about sailing at first so it isn't like dungeoneering was for a long time.
Ps. Give firemaking a use too ;) Like for lighting cannons or anything. #99fm

EDIT: Instead if giving BIS items for members, what if rewards would include BIS F2P pvp gear? Not too OP but like lvl 50 armour that degrades and needs to be fixed?

08-Sep-2015 20:32:52 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2015 20:51:05 by EJK



Posts: 1,378 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Taking on these beasts will offer you a very slim chance of receiving dragon sword, dragon warhammer or dragon crossbow limbs drops."

I feel like these weapons will impact pvp hard, just like the toxic items and venom. Where are the stats of these items?

08-Sep-2015 20:33:35 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2015 20:35:11 by Denny

Oct Member 2014


Posts: 170 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like the idea of Sailing but I'm very concerned about the new rewards. Why are we constantly getting offered best in slot equiptmen*? I feel like almost every month theres a new BIS piece of equiptment or O* money making method being introduced. This is supposed to be oldschool, but the max gear at the start of 2013 is already well outdated. Didn't the devs learn from the mistakes of rs3? Power Creep is a real thing you know...

Will this power creep continue in the future? Will we get new BIS to go over our new BIS in a year or two? Will this game look anything like 2007 runescape in a few years? Will we get to a point where damage potential is so high, and due to a cummalative effect of chucking heaps of new features into combat, and since max hp is still only 99, will we be put in a position where we need to change the combat system, you could say in an evolution of the combat?

Are we going to get an oldschool v2 in 2023?

08-Sep-2015 20:39:30

Feb Member 2021


Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Comedy said :
If anything - why make it a new skill? Why make people such as myself feel FORCED to train it ?

I must have missed the part about where the Old School staff will show up at your house and threaten you if you don't train the skill.

08-Sep-2015 20:40:34 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2015 20:41:07 by Noodleneck

Jul Member 2009


Posts: 128 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Denny said :
"Taking on these beasts will offer you a very slim chance of receiving dragon sword, dragon warhammer or dragon crossbow limbs drops."

I feel like these weapons will impact pvp hard, just like the toxic items and venom. Where are the stats of these items?

As there is already 70+ items these won't be that OP. Most likely used in outfits. Depending on what price they will be however the cbow might get used in PvP.

08-Sep-2015 20:45:44



Posts: 725 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Comedy said :

Yay more forced content.

I'm pretty sure this was supposed to be old school?

What exactly isn't Old School about Sailing? The fact that it's new content? This is clearly not the case considering there has already been a plethora of content that has released for OSRS (especially considering the proposed Zeah continent). The fact that it's a skill? New skills came out often in RSC and Slayer, Farming, Hunter, and Construction all came out in RS2 in just a few years. The concept itself? I dunno, I'd say sailing feels like it fits Old School quite well, and it will do a good job of fleshing out the experience now that the water isn't so much of a hard border (on top of this, sailing already exists to an extent with things like the charter ships, NPC travelers, a minigame, and even a quest taking place almost entirely on a ship!).

Comedy said :

If anything - why make it a new skill? Why make people such as myself feel FORCED to train it ?

I don't understand this. Why would you feel forced to train the skill? You'll still be able to play RS the way you do now post sailing should you not choose to train it. Now, if your argument is that the content is locked behind sailing, that makes more sense, but this isn't anything too far fetched. After all, there's already been numerous new pieces of content that have this same premise (things like the slayer bosses, graceful gear, MLM items, etc). Also, the new proposed content feels like it ties together with sailing as a skill much more than just simply being new explorable content.

Good to see you stayed level-headed throughout your post too, it seems to be a rarity these days. :P

08-Sep-2015 20:52:15



Posts: 2,302 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm inclined to vote yes for the new combat items and prayers, but still my reservations..

My biggest concern is with player population. In past livestreams the concern has been discussed about player populations becoming too Zeah centric, my fear isn't with the centricity of player population, but the thinning of it. If we open up the entire seas of Gielenor, won't this hurt the population of the mainlands by quite a bit? Add to this that by the time Sailing is out there will be Deadman Mode as well; a fourth Runescape version to split the community.

I'm also skeptical of the new offensive BIS necklaces for Range/Melee and the new offensive bis bracelet for Mage. I shared my feedback over Twitter about why the Eternal Boots do not scale in usefulness in any way in comparison against the new BIS Range and Melee Boots. (I never heard any feedback yet ;- ;)

And I know that Mod John C is the one who will be deciding the stats of the new Combat items, but having seen how imbalanced the New Boots are I can't be sure to trust his design of these new items either.

The new Magic Bracelet is billed as the new BIS offensive bonus for Mage in the Gloves/Bracelet Slot. That's not really much considering that the best bonus is +6, that coming from the Barrows Gloves which has numerous defences. And Mages as a whole need more defence and possibly damage, not measly offensive bonuses. As a Mage, I'd rather wear the new Melee boots for the tank it provides than the Mage boots. And Imperium has tested that the new Mage Boots overall give a 1% better attack roll, with Mages best PVP viability coming from the new Melee Boots actually.

I just don't want to see a repeat in the new Amulets/Bracelet.

New resources seem cool, overall looks alright in the concept, just concerned mostly with player population being spread too thin with Sailing, Zeah and Deadman mode. And the scale of usefulness in new items across the Combat Triangle. Please balance the Combat Triangle, Mages need help
Mod Jed

your imbued heart has regained its magical power

08-Sep-2015 20:53:25 - Last edited on 08-Sep-2015 21:17:40 by Aurella

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