
Dev Blog: Training Sailing

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Posts: 214 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am gaining more interest the more that I read about the idea of Sailing.

However, I'm curious as to how the training is to be implemented. As it stands, I am interpreting this as more of a
Ship Building
skill rather than

Let me offer this: We take farming and draw a comparison just as was done in the blog. It has been described how the building of the ship takes place just as planting a tree and waiting, but the harvesting of crops is missing--sailing of the ship. I feel as though this is the draw to the skill which players are looking for.

Why not make it so you can train on your ship?

-Head to the bow of the ship to scout for obstructions
-Head to the main deck to hoist the mainstay
-Climb into the crow's nest and look for land
-You have a leak on your ship, grab a bucket and bail the water
-Repair the hole in the ship
-When you reel in the anchor, you find some treasure!

All the while, the cool breeze fills your sails as the salty mist peppers your face.. Is this not what the Sailing skill was really made for?

Some thoughts. Good work OSRS Team! :)

14-Aug-2015 18:30:50

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 102 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Iron D Natsu said :
mixed feels about this, sure this isn't a minigame?

Again as I explained earlier to someone.

Mini-games have no progress with rewards unlocked with points.

Skills have progress with rewards/unlockables unlocked as you level.

Technically skill on Runescape can be a mini-game... It is all about how you structure it.

14-Aug-2015 18:35:26

Rudy V2

Rudy V2

Posts: 1,217 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What does the community think about the ability to have a crew of NPC's to adventure/explore with?

* These NPC's will wander around the randomly generated areas slaying monsters or gathering resources for you when you arrive on an island. They will also be able to be leveled up and armed with items you the captain provide them.

* As we level sailing we can expand our crew, and as we adventure the crew members will level up as well.

* As a captain you will have to supply your crew with food and other items as well so that they don't die. This should not be easy especially when you are adventuring. For example, if you happen to come across an island with dragons and your crew does not have anti-dragonfire shields, it will not bode well for your crew. Additionally, if you hit bad seas and you make a bad decision, you may lose a crew member or 2.

* Items you provide to your crew will appear on them and they will use those items apropriately. So for example if a crewmate is level 6 he can now wear dragon armor and use dragon weapons.

* At 99 sailing, a player can have at max 5 crew members.

* Crew member levels reflect what kind of items you can provide them. For example, a crew member of level 4 can only wield runite items while a crew member of level 6 can wear dragon and level 8 can equip barrows items.

* In addition, if you are a terrible captain and allow one of your crewmates to die during an adventure or on the open seas due to your poor navigational skills. They will lose their items you gave them, providing a decent item sink for the game as well. This will hopefully keep mid-tier/low demand items like dragon plateleggs and certain barrows pieces at a more stable price instead of falling to alch value.

14-Aug-2015 18:36:08 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2015 18:54:11 by Rudy V2

Jan Member 2023


Posts: 102 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tank All Day said :
selling ships to npcs might possibly bring an unnecessary amount of gp into the game. could selling ships to players work?

As much as you will probably have to spend to make the ship, I don't think you will get all of that back. Has a nice little money sink to it.

14-Aug-2015 18:36:32



Posts: 430 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ship building needs to be a direct money sink out of the game, not a buy-able from other players resources on the G.E. Selling ships sounds like a horrible idea, we don't need more gp methods, resources are fine. Gold is inflating heavily due to Karamja store, Alching etc, as it inevitably does over time.

Cannot stress this enough.

Also since you're paying workers to make the ship and multi-skill experience will be gained I think it would be best to limit spam ship building, keeping it the lowest XP/hr method. Force people to actually do the Sailing aspect and make that the grind.

14-Aug-2015 18:37:14 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2015 18:45:04 by Cannalicious

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