
Dev Blog: Wilderness Feedback Thread is locked

Quick find code: 380-381-21-65435487

Scotty Z

Scotty Z

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Not for removing the dragon axe special attack. Would be for it if it was in the "operate" option though.

Honestly never seen a single person use a dragon axe for combat, never mind use the special.

Point me to someone that does, I'd like to give them an entire lecture about efficiency and newbieness :)

That's not the point.

What is your point?

That it shouldn't replace a special attack?

19-Mar-2014 00:01:26

iSun Tzu

iSun Tzu

Posts: 445 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yes to Dragon Platebody Drop from new slayer monster if it's requirement is say 93 Slayer.


Please vamp up the Kalphite Queen drop table and add to it's drop too (but rarer than the chance to drop then the slayer monster has), otherwise i fear the KQ will become dead content very very fast.

19-Mar-2014 00:02:20



Posts: 1,218 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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1. fountain of rune.
Instead of providing unlimited runes, why not increase xp by 1.5 or 2x per cast. This way people will actually want to bring runes and items and alch there making it very rewarding for pkers to try and pk alchers for their nature runes and alchables as pkable loots.

which will also make it very abusable.

19-Mar-2014 00:05:44

Wish I Lied

Wish I Lied

Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I personally do not understand why all this is bieing added.
Was it not the intention to make this game exactly like it was in 2007?
going on this way IT WILL BECOME somekind of wierd rs4 or something.

i do not like all these updates at all.

19-Mar-2014 00:08:24



Posts: 735 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I love the idea of the ancient armors coming to OSRS, and a great way of introducing it. But without a new design for them, I suggest not to have them released. I know its mostly about the stats, and not the looks but just a color change of some armor does not seem fit for some new and ancient armor.

Same opinion with the dragon pickaxe... Should not of released without a graphical improvement. But I know the search for artist is difficult, so I do understand.

19-Mar-2014 00:15:58

Mila of 2013

Mila of 2013

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I love the idea of the ancient armors coming to OSRS, and a great way of introducing it. But without a new design for them, I suggest not to have them released. I know its mostly about the stats, and not the looks but just a color change of some armor does not seem fit for some new and ancient armor.

Same opinion with the dragon pickaxe... Should not of released without a graphical improvement. But I know the search for artist is difficult, so I do understand.

Personally i love the graphics for the pickaxe, it's very fitting and looks extremely similar to the graphics of the hatchet. Very very OSRS suitable.

19-Mar-2014 00:18:20

Ms Glamazon

Ms Glamazon

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Speaking of the resource area, farming is a gathering skill too. They should add an herb patch with reduced growth times and double or triple herbs you'd normally get from outside wilderness.

People could mine the iron ores, while waiting for the herbs to grow. They would be risking tons of herbs, seeds, possibly runes for using lunar spells to fertilize. Of course they'd need to have a Leprechaun there to note the harvests.

If there is room to add an allotment patch too, would be nice.[/quote]

Milaaaaaaa!! I support this but imma nub at farming atm. Would deffo use this if they add when im mining stuff at resource place[/quote]

I support this as well,farming toadflax here would be great money and pretty risky to bring 100 seeds which fits perfectly with this theme of RISK vs. REWARD. Feels like all of this content is limited to woodcutters-miners-fishers-pvmers-pkers.
[/quote]The only people that this update really helped were PKers. A PKer can make 5x what one skiller would make in an hour by world hopping for 20 minutes and killing them.[/quote]
^this... they can just wait around and kill skillers and pvmers and make bank. They dont need the skill lvls for the items its all a racket for them. Person work on their stats gets the single finger salute.[/quote]

hate to break it to you, but there are no pvmers or skillers to "kill" and pkers prefer to kill the other pkers killing the skillers & pvmers. thats where the real loot is for "US"[/quote]

Hate to break it to you i really dont give a rat's ass what they do now. I just see it as unfair to ppl who actually work on skills and quests to not get updates for runescape proper but a fail who only train str and att reap the awards in the wildy see what i did there?

If you ask me that's eoc/rs3 logic?

19-Mar-2014 00:18:29 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2014 00:21:28 by Ms Glamazon

Mila of 2013

Mila of 2013

Posts: 3,197 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Hate to break it to you i really dont give a rat's ass what they do now. I just see it as unfair to ppl who actually work on skills and quests to not get updates for runescape proper but a fail who only train str and att reap the awards in the wildy see what i did there?

If you ask me that's eoc/rs3 logic?

I understand your frustration, i do wish we had more skiller content *outside* of the wilderness as well.

Seems like pvp\pvm updates are a priority due to the survey they had, however we are getting a mining update soon and who knows what else is coming in the future! :)

19-Mar-2014 00:25:36

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