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Now, off from my angry messages about the poll not letting us vote.. You guys should really poll to update the resource area, to tell ya'll the truth it's pointless the way it is. 3 Magic trees? I gotta pay 7.5k to enter? If I hop cause I see a pker I gotta pay another 7.5k to get back in? That's dumb cause I can safely chop the 3 Magic trees in Illetya close to a bank, costing me a max of 150gp every 3 tellies. Also, 6 Addy rocks? I can safely just mine the 11 in Jatizso lol.. I'm just bummed cause I was so excited for the resource area because of my 99wc, 88 fishing and 75mining, yet the area sucks and you get pkd on your first couple addy rocks anyways. Either make it cheaper to enter or add more resources please.
Now, maybe the area is good for fishing, but I haven't gotten a single dark fishing bait drop yet and I killed many Mammoths/Ankous/Elder Druids and other monsters too. But regardless, the way I see it is that it's pointless for skillers to even step foot in the resource area the way it is.
You're right Jmods too scared to add more stuff to the resource area like herb patches and allotments.
I don't agree with their reasoning that it would be unbalanced and they wouldn't be able to add future patches outside of the wilderness. They fail to understand that people that dislike the wilderness still won't use the wilderness patch(s). People mining\woodcutting\fishing inside the resource area will be staying inside for long periods of time so it makes sense they'd be using the patch to spice it up and 1 patch wouldn't change anything.
Jmods say they want to add patches on roof tops, that would require a hefty agility level so very few people would actually have the combination of high agility and farming.
What's really imbalanced?
- 150 unid herbs flooding the game with zero effort from people with millions of NMZ points stored. Takes 30 seconds to login and buy the boxes daily.
20-Mar-2014 00:41:12