If people really understood how versatile Sailing could be, and that it could bring literally almost any update anyone wants with it, if people really understood what Sailing offered, I don't think many would be saying no.
I can think of no single update which offers as much potential as Sailing does.
Whether a person wants solo content, group content, PVM, PVP, skilling, exploration, adventure, merchanting, quests, mini quests, new lands, new monsters, new resources, new foods, new weapons, new almost anything, Sailing can offer it all.
very well said. I just cant grasp how people are saying no and asking for old stuff back o.o. This is SO SO SO much more! what is wrong with people!
TzKok Chad
Summoning? Are you guys serious?
Summoning was a terrible update that made PvM stupidly easy with overpowered familiars like unicorn & pack yak.
This sailing skill sounds **cking AWESOME. Sailing has been something players have wanted since 2007.
Please read this thread 90% of players here don't want it so No players have not wanted it! You want it but don't try make out we all want it when we do t
Trucker Liam
Trucker Liam
Summoning would be hugely a better update then sailing? I'm still wondering if this is a joke?
What if the knowledge of Summoning only exists on a remote island which you may need sailing to get to and be able to learn it?
That's bs when I played rs3 many years ago you didn't need to go to a remote island you learned the skill from travely
That was an alternate universe. Things are different here.
Trucker Liam
Trucker Liam
Summoning would be hugely a better update then sailing? I'm still wondering if this is a joke?
What if the knowledge of Summoning only exists on a remote island which you may need sailing to get to and be able to learn it?
That's bs when I played rs3 many years ago you didn't need to go to a remote island you learned the skill from travely
So go play your precious RS3 if you want Summoning.
When I think of when RuneScape "died" back in the day, I think of December 2007, when free trade and wilderness was removed, and Summoning was added.
I hate Summoning with a passion, it was a terrible terrible skill that changed RuneScape irreversibly.
If you are the sort of player who thinks the glory days of RuneScape was the days of Summoning, Dungeoneering, chaotics, D Claws and Korasi,
you are playing the wrong game.
Usually the haters are making their voice heard much more than the rest, it will be interesting to see what the community really thinks on the poll. Probably it will get more "yes" than here at least
It's also obvious most haters have only skimmed through the dev blog about this, still seeing stuff like "forcing us to pvp", "wastes dev time" etc. Also many forgets the fact that they said we will have a say in every aspect of the skill, so it's up to us to make sure this is done right.
Anyway, i for one read the whole thing, and i dont get hung up on that sailing used to be a joke, the information provided in the dev blog tells me this is anything but a joke, this seems to be really well thought out, fun and fresh.
With the given information at this time, i will vote yes.