
Dev Blog: Sailing

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Alpha Trion

Alpha Trion

Posts: 2,483 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I LIKE new content. I would have been fine with Artisan, and I'm ok with Sailing also. Sounds like a great way to unlock brand new areas, lands, dungeons, etc. It is the perfect way to add new slayer creatures and resources.

I love old school runescape, it feels like the game I love and was addicted to is back! I don't mind content updates! With Rs3, I feel this urge to log is actually repulsing. So I just do daily challenges or whatever, and go back to osrs.

What I HATE with the burning of a thousand suns is Microtransactions, and because of that rs3 has a nauseating vomitous amount of cosmetic junk. I also HATE easy-scape type content. Runespan was terrible, as was Ivy. I can't believe there is a full page of people at max skills in rs3. What the actual @#%!

And then they are going to release 'elite' skills which will be buyable after 3 months? Again, WTF!!!! I can't believe they are going to call them "elite" after that. *scream*

Back to osrs: The ONLY thing I dislike about osrs is bonds, which passed as a hidden rider-add on to free-to-pay. That was a dirty way to pass it :( At least some skills in osrs are still not buyable.

Do you want free to pay??!! (and in tiny print-oh ya we will have bonds too). That was under-handed. You couldn't poll them separately?

I fear that there will be no new skills in osrs, and that's sad :( I miss the old days when people looked forward to new skills, and they were a fun new thing. If you want the 'feeling of old school' that includes being actually EXCITED about new things to do and explore.

08-Aug-2015 04:48:55 - Last edited on 08-Aug-2015 04:55:44 by Alpha Trion

Stoned Nerd
Feb Member 2024

Stoned Nerd

Posts: 69 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Can we just have Dungeoneering without chaotics? I do like this idea but too much could go wrong with it. If it was very similar to Dungeoneering you would have my vote but I don't think it will be. If you explored randomly generated islands that contains monsters, puzzles, nice environment detail, exploring for keys, foraging (Hunting/Fishing for food) and a boss at the end I would like to see this (Very similar to Dungeoneering but with a big reskin). I would be tickled pink. Don't like the idea of PvP and I believe the skill should be based around PvM and PvE for example; unique bosses, monsters and surviving/sleeping at night. (You need to setup a camp and gather resources for the night; It will be cold) that sort of thing would be great.

08-Aug-2015 04:50:21



Posts: 532 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
i've read several posts of feedback and it looks negative.

The reason i think it seems useless to people and why they are giving such negative feedback is because their use to pve/pvp content and not something such as sailing which is alot different then usual content and them trying to grasp the idea and concept and the things that will come from this skill they cant do that because they probably havn't experienced it yet.

so in return they give feedback such as bring dungeoneering/summoning responses gave because their use to pve/pvp content and cant grasp the benefits that could come out of this skill because their probably not use to it.

SAILING SHOULD COME OUT=this is because whenever you start something you usually get better at it over time with more experience, such as giving loot broadcasts to pve content and sailing allows people to sail around the world which is faster travel and easier creatable new game content to be made because when someone says i want this to happen and jagex thinks its a good idea then their like where to put it well we could just make an island for this new game content and be part of sailing, of course not always the case but sailing allows a stepping stone into more and faster travel routes also so many possibilites for easy add-in content and so many other things associated with this skill.

after people see how useful sailing could be and everything that could come out of it and how it could get even better over time people should change their minds on how they see it because their getting use to it.

i dont see people saying keep oldschool as it was in 2007 and quit giving new updates much anymore because 50 years from now everyone in 2007 may not be around anymore so its inevitable its a progression game.

if sailing is not realeased it will most likely be a disappointment and setback to oldschool runescape and sailing could allow oldschool runescape to achieve great things with this skill with its possibilities.

08-Aug-2015 04:55:46

Aug Member 2023


Posts: 3,509 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Can we just have dungeoneering?"
Can we just have a complete carbon copy of Rs3 that looks like crap? Or can we make old school something unique with a fun idea like the sailing skill all you all care about is your items well ***** you that's not what the runescape adventure is about you can take your economy and pvp and shove it for all I care... i actually care about the integrity of the game unlike you 2011ers. Get back to rs3 you fools...

08-Aug-2015 05:07:20



Posts: 532 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
if sailing doesnt pass the poll later on, it probably isnt because people dont want it, but its probably because people are not use to it so they cant grasp the idea and benefits that come from it so they vote no, so if the poll fails jagex needs to put it into the game anyways because if they dont they will miss one of the greatest stepping stones into further game content creation that could give so many opportunities to so many different apsects within the game and new ones to be came up with later on and it will be a big mistake for jagex if they dont put it into the game anyways, just think what could be added to the game and how much better it could get later on with more experience learned from watching this skill later on.

if the poll fails and jagex doesnt put this into the game anyways i think it will be a big mistake missing out on the stepping stone of sea travel and all the benefits that could come from it.


08-Aug-2015 05:08:18

Dec Member 2016


Posts: 4,288 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is amazing, ever since this was conceived as a joke back in 2008 a lot of players really felt like this would be an amazing skill if done right but alas we never thought it to be.

Until now. This has got to be one of the most insane and coolest possible skill additions. I'm strictly against adding in any existing skills into osrs like dungeoneering or summoning as you might as well be playing RS3. However this one is unique and offers a lot of potential to both skillers, PvMers, and pkers with ship battles. However if all is done correctly. But hey that is what polls for.

Keep doing what you are doing Jagex this is a solid idea.

And to all the haters. Why are you complaining? Everyone keeps whining about new content new content, yet you all seem to just want to add in the same things that RS3 has. IE Dungeoneering, summoning ect. Do you people not remember the hell and horror that chaotics brought to the game? Do you not remember that part of the resentment in the community was that the game was being made to be easier with things like summoning? The game does not need to be brought down the path of "Let's add everything to OSRS that RS3 has except the EoC" No. This is the wrong mentality.

08-Aug-2015 05:18:26



Posts: 1,074 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
epiclegacy77 said :

No. That is not how OldSchool works.

To clear up some confusion, not all the players who are wanting to vote "No" for Sailing are the same people who vote "No" for every update. I know this game must continue to be updated to survive. However, I personally feel this is a desperate attempt to add a skill. All of the positive rewards from Sailing mentioned could be obtained by other methods. This doesn't mean I am against a new skill in general, I am just not a fan of Sailing as it is described in the DevBlog.

08-Aug-2015 05:24:27

Beurre Noir
Jun Member 2023

Beurre Noir

Posts: 594 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree this does seem like a great idea. It will add more things to do and connect with the upcoming continent. I would like to think of this like dungeoneering but also as something new and refreshing. I strongly urge those who are opposed to rethink their thoughts and if they still are against come up with reasons as to why this is bad.

08-Aug-2015 05:27:56

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