It's unique, something which I think I will enjoy. I think that this should be a project for later though, maybe year or two. I would prefer if new monsters like the abyss demon wouldn't come out as I'm tired of new items which are best in class coming out, turning too much into rs3 at this rate, with new items which are getting better and better and more op. A few questions though:
Will G.E be allowed?
What does "insuring your items" mean? Does this mean you will be able to select certain items and protect them in your bank? Will this include stacks?
When bank raiding and inventories worth of stuff, will you be able to note items and take out stacks?
Will you be allowed to switch gamemodes, like from deadman to regular?
Are you only allowed to join the deadman world?
How many deadman world's are there? If it's just one, it's not going to be very fun as all places will be packed.
If G.E is allowed, will it just be between all deadman trades or all 07scape servers?
If it is created, I am curious about how the economy will be setup, if it's a barter economy as it seems like items will be important, or if standard coins will be used if G.E is used. I think this will get a lot of people at first, but then it will die within a month. Mostly for pvp, and we already have the wildy and pvp worlds for that. I don't think skillers will like it to much, and neither will pvm dudes, not going t be a large community. Either way I think it's a neat idea and sound pretty fun, but will end up being a huge waste of time in the end, as there's too many things that could be abused, too many bugs to be fixed, new rules will probably have to be made and enforced and will probably just split the community.
06-Jul-2015 19:33:46