Deadman mode only seems like a good idea in thought. Actually playing it is going to be more difficult than people think and will not be as enjoyable. Mainly because the mode relies on lots of others playing. Since this requires a new account we may not see enough people. There needs to be an NPC/r*v/boss roamer type thing added to keep people playing if there is not the anticipated traffic.
Otherwise the only way you are going to get decent interaction is if there are thousands of active Deadman accounts restricted to very few servers. If JaGeX has 20+ servers the population will be so spread out interactions will be more scarce and easy to avoid. Leveling would easier but in the end what is the point of acting like this situation is scary or challenging?
On the flip-side if JaGeX only has a handful of servers then every training spot, in and out of a safespot, will be so packed the game will be immensely frustrating to progress in. Also ppl will be harassing each other and killing out of spite making it not fun but more of a greifing/stalking/harassment type thing due to the masses standing around waiting for skilling spots/turn at NPC etc.
Thieving -> Buying mind runes -> splashing will take over all entry level NPCs in deadman mode as an easy way to train magic in single-way combat. Also consider NMZ afk-ing in this mode. Safely train to max cmb.
My point is that it will be difficult to find a balance with how many servers are available, how resources/NPCs/etc. are allocated to make the game interesting and actually playable. In thought it sounds like fighting people for bank and leveling/losing skills in this way would be challenging, but it relies on a very perfect environment to occur. There are way too many problems with OSRS as it is now to create this mode and expect it to go well.
Don't waste dev time on this. Don't poll it. Work on the 1000+ other things already in batch.
06-Jul-2015 20:32:05
- Last edited on
06-Jul-2015 20:35:37