+ Skills
Skills should be given much more of an exception, you should loose a much more minimal amount of XP in comparison to combat stats. In other words skills should be favored.
+ Guards
#Guards are NPC that hang around most major cities and banks. Guards have a tendency to protect low level privileges over high levels. A guard is less likely to intervene in a low level fight and hit either SKULL-ER(PKer). But is much more likely to intervene in higher level fights as they see the high levels should show respect... (In other words as your character becomes stronger, major cities are less forgiving of your evil deeds)
- Guards should spawn more frequently, depending on number of guards killed...
- Guards should increase in combat level the more murders that occur (Killing of innocent civilians )
- Guards armor/defense level should increase depending on how many Skulled people are in their city ( NEXT SPAWN)
- If a Guard kills someone with items / gear; a broadcast of City and name of deceased (To encourage people to city, so they can loot it...)
+ PKing
# Encourage PKers to hide in the wilderness to loose their penalty, as the wilderness will result in no increase in penalty if you kill another.
-There should be more creative PKing penalities! E.g
-- All Wilderenss kills are justified ( NO PENALITY )
-- After X hours all your kills are forgotten... (Penalities cease effects)
-- 1st kill: Name of killer & City revealed; +Z amount of time SKULLED
-- 2nd kill : Name of Killer & City; +Y amount of time SKULLED
-- 3rd kill : Name of Killer & City & Total Level; +X amount of time Skulled
-- 4th: Name & City & Total level;
-- 5th: Name & City & (1 random skill displayed e.g Slayer...)
-- 6th: Name & City & (2 random skills)
-- 7th: Name & City & (3 random skills)
-- 8th: Name & City & (4 random skills)
-- 9th: Name & City & (5 random skills)
-- 10th: Name & City & Combat Level
Skills should be given much more of an exception, you should loose a much more minimal amount of XP in comparison to combat stats. In other words skills should be favored.
+ Guards
#Guards are NPC that hang around most major cities and banks. Guards have a tendency to protect low level privileges over high levels. A guard is less likely to intervene in a low level fight and hit either SKULL-ER(PKer). But is much more likely to intervene in higher level fights as they see the high levels should show respect... (In other words as your character becomes stronger, major cities are less forgiving of your evil deeds)
- Guards should spawn more frequently, depending on number of guards killed...
- Guards should increase in combat level the more murders that occur (Killing of innocent civilians )
- Guards armor/defense level should increase depending on how many Skulled people are in their city ( NEXT SPAWN)
- If a Guard kills someone with items / gear; a broadcast of City and name of deceased (To encourage people to city, so they can loot it...)
+ PKing
# Encourage PKers to hide in the wilderness to loose their penalty, as the wilderness will result in no increase in penalty if you kill another.
-There should be more creative PKing penalities! E.g
-- All Wilderenss kills are justified ( NO PENALITY )
-- After X hours all your kills are forgotten... (Penalities cease effects)
-- 1st kill: Name of killer & City revealed; +Z amount of time SKULLED
-- 2nd kill : Name of Killer & City; +Y amount of time SKULLED
-- 3rd kill : Name of Killer & City & Total Level; +X amount of time Skulled
-- 4th: Name & City & Total level;
-- 5th: Name & City & (1 random skill displayed e.g Slayer...)
-- 6th: Name & City & (2 random skills)
-- 7th: Name & City & (3 random skills)
-- 8th: Name & City & (4 random skills)
-- 9th: Name & City & (5 random skills)
-- 10th: Name & City & Combat Level
12-Aug-2015 15:58:50 - Last edited on 12-Aug-2015 16:02:29 by omgnotu