Would really like to see broken and dead content considered and polled for possible revision and updating before new comtent is reworked. The beauty about alot of the minigames is that any level of player can join and take part. There are like 3 minigames that get regular play. The reason being generaly these few have the most relevant rewards and are the most fun. If the others can be updated to be a bit more relevant to the current state of the game. i e more compelling rewards, a way to keep players interested even if they have all the rewards, more xp for some of the skilling games etc.
Tldr. Lets work on the game we currently have.
There is so much dead content that just needs some slight fixing that could really bring alot back to this ready incredibly rich gaming experience. Dont get me wrong. Im incredibly excited for zeah, but i want to be excited about doing fishing trawler and having some of our current skills wich to an extent are unused except to get a 99 become rejuvinated with a new purpose.
23-Jun-2015 20:09:30