It has been a while since the last Old School priority poll and we have since worked through all of the pieces of content voted as the top priorities by the community. As such, we've got another priority poll set to begin this Thursday to help us plan our priorities for the next stretch of updates.
The new priority poll format
With this priority poll we want to see what types of content the community would like, not just specific pieces of content. Avoiding specific pieces of content for the priority poll will allow us to get a better idea of what the community would like without the specifics of certain updates swaying the outcome.
It is important that you vote for which you, as an individual, would most like to see. This will give us a clear view of what the community wants.
Every single question in the priority poll will have the following options for responses:
1. Not at all important
2. Not very important
3. This is important
4. This is very important
5. This should be a priority
We'll be able to cross reference the different elements of each question to find out what the community as a whole would like to see in Old School.
Level of content
In this priority poll we will also be asking about what level content the community would like to see for some types of content. Specifically, we will be asking about low, medium and high level content. We will be considering these to mean:
These different tiers are merely guidelines. They are not solid boundaries of who content will be accessible to.
The questions
We will be asking you to let us know how important the following types of content are to you:
Once the priority poll is closed and we have a good idea of what you would like to see in Old School we can begin offering specific pieces of content to the community. The results of this poll will decide the course of Old School's development for the next several months. Make sure to have your say!
Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Day, Ghost, Ian, John C, Krista, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

22-Jun-2015 17:30:01 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2015 17:58:37 by Mod Ronan