please DO NOT put rares back in. if we can't all reach a descision I think it would be better to not take an action that will upset over half the community that plays oldschool because we liked runescape in 2007, (in 07 rares weren't handed out at holiday events)
however I do agree in your FIRST distribution method, that would be the way to go, but that should be the only way, an alternative method, everyone with an active account gets 1 rare, you guys decide how to randomize it, some may be tradable so wont be (scythe ears ect.. untradeable) over time these items will have the same effect if players sell items, stop playing, lose them from dying, but they will attain the same role they played in earlier runescape but no one can complain caus everyone got ONE.
if you do not consider this idea as something that would work im begging you from someone who played since runescape because rsc, please DO NOT add rares to the game in the current fashion, I would be so much happier having the community decide on it a bit more.
"PS I was backpacking, and didn't even get to vote?" small amount of debating for such a big issue"
17-May-2013 16:27:51