This sounds bad ass. I really can't wait to try this out with my friends. As for all of you whiny little kids who can't afford $12 a month you should probably work more and play less. As for the other people who are complaining about the grind, this isn't about grinding this is about getting together with a group and having regular old pking fun with a twist.
EDIT I actually have a few questions about this game mode. How far does the safe zone in lumbridge extend? (people probably don't wanna get destroyed the second they leave the castle.) How much of Al'*harid will be safe? (Can we leave the bank and train on those palace guard without getting ran at by a hundred level 5's?) Do we start with 1 everything or do we get preset skills? Do we start with a few items to get started if so what will they be? Also will small towns like Draynor village be safe?
12-Jun-2015 05:48:15
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12-Jun-2015 06:34:18