My claim about dev time is certainly not unfounded. It is based on someone else's project to create something like Deadman Mode (Do not want to get into details, as it could be considered advertising), my own knowledge of coding, and on Mat K's initial pitch of the idea (He said it would be light on dev time). Besides that, just think about it. The main things are bank-key raiding, guards in cities, skill reset on death (very easy to code), and what to do with quests, untradeables, and POHs. Doing all of that would not take very long at all.
Now I do agree it could take a lot of planning if they are trying to carefully consider how deadman mode would affect every aspect of the game and are considering core changes to the game other than the above mentioned. This would be where most of the time would be going, not the actual development.
Even if planning takes a while, the total time it would take to launch Deadman Mode would be nowhere even remotely close to something like Zeah.
At the end of the day, there really isn't much of a chance that Deadman Mode affects OSRS so drastically that a large portion of players quit RuneScape all together. Why not take a shot at something that could really have the potential to be something special? Worst case scenario - it goes horribly and they scrap it. Maybe cause a small portion of OSRS players to quit. Best case scenario - It is wildly popular and successful.
I cannot see the developers putting much continuous effort into Deadman mode unless it becomes very popular. And if it does, then so be it. You have to remember that JaGex is a business, and they will do whatever ultimately makes their business succeed. As long as they make more money after the addition of Deadman Mode, then they don't have a reason to care about how OSRS is effected. Ultimately, the decision makers at the top don't give a rat's ass about their players as long as the game is generating money.
01-Jul-2015 23:53:41
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01-Jul-2015 23:54:55