You're beyond ignorant if you think the dagger only applies to pures. The bleed effect has so many uses guaranteed damage especially considering double the accuracy. The max hit with that dagger is 46, so it will bleed 8s. Do not post without doing your homework.
Since you think you know more about combat than me, explain to me (with calculations) where you would use this dagger special over an alternative weapon and whether or not there would be enough of a niche use to provide long-term value to the item.
Corp, bgs is so inaccurate that a guaranteed bleed of damage would serve you better. Also any godwars boss. Simply hitting with the weapon guarantees you more damage. Think of morrigan javs. I'm confused to how you don't see uses.
You forget that corp halves all damage that isn't done by a spear and the BGS's def reduction would be a lot more useful than bleed damage
Didn't forget.
"I've been playing since 2006 but jagex made me quit 11/20/2013"
A staff would be a difficult weapon to add without devaluing SoT*. (Then is ridiculous that SoT* is the only viable option so I wouldn't mind.) Range weapons would be much easier though as Blowpipe and R/ACB will likely always have uses.
It actually isn't that hard to add a new staff. It could have a higher damage boost, but a slower speed. So +25% damage but lowers spell cast speed by 1 tick (i.e. godsword speed, as opposed to the normal longsword speed). They could both give same DPS over time, but change speed of the damage. If +25% damage for 1 speed slower is too good it could even be +30% damage for 2 speeds slower.
I agree about the ranged weapons though. Come on abyssal shortbow!
It just doesn't make any sense at all that a hellhound boss requires 91 slayer. I should be 91 within the week, so I'm not all that upset about it, but I think you guys made the wrong call on this boss. A new level 95 slayer version of the hellhounds or another creature entirely should have been introduced and cerberus could have been its boss variant.
Xiahou Cow
So this is what's become of the Morrigan Javelin special?
All I can say is: Please reconsider.
Give these melee weapons some other special attack,
not what was once the strongest range special attack
which weapon will have the Morrigan Javelin special?
Both the Abyssal Dagger and Abyssal Bludgeon mentioned in the Dev Blog have a copy-and-paste of the Morrigan Javelin special. Actually, due to the six second timeframe, this special is actually a buffed version of the Morrigan Javelin special; that makes it even more of a concern.
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02-Jun-2015 18:09:22
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02-Jun-2015 18:11:27
Xiahou Cow
Which is a insult to rangers. EDIT: This entire update is. Meleers get two new weapons with overpowered specs and all rangers and mages get is some boots..?
OSRS Mage Tank.
Believe magic to only be for support? Think again. It's just as valid of a Pking style as melee and range is.
02-Jun-2015 18:10:39
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02-Jun-2015 18:13:23
Which is a insult to rangers.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm getting at. Not to mention it seriously was the strongest range special in terms of raw power and energy expenditure. Dark Bow can only be used once, yet Morrigan Javelins could be used twice consecutively and had higher accuracy with the same damage potential.
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I'm a bit disappointed with Cerberus being changed to 91 slayer but I believe you have other plans for the future (perhaps with Zeah). 91 is fine by me but 95 looks alot more appropriate.
Overall, the changes are pretty good. Can't wait for it to come out
Thank you!