I can get on board with a 91 slayer requirement, that seems reasonable. I also like the idea for the abbysal bludgeon. However, I'm worried about how "OP" these weapons may be in PvP.
The dagger is +75 stab and +70 strength. If you compare this to a dragon scimitar, which has +67 slash and +66 strength, we can approximate some maximum hits pretty quickly. A 45 def zerker with 99 strength (zerker/torso/climb boots/b gloves/f cape/str ammy/r def) can hit 39 with a d scim in PvP. Mains with the same gear plus piety, d boots, and drag defender can hit 42. This means that the abbysal dagger will hit 1 higher than the d scim, and more accurately (40 for zerkers and 43 for mains).
Those stats are just fine if you ask me, what I have trouble with is the special attack. The special attack only uses 50%, is twice as accurate, and will have a bleed effect for the same amount of damage. Let's just say, for example, you spec a 40 (not even a max hit for mains, and the spec is 2x as accurate). If you stack that with another weapon's special, or even just spec again, that would be devastating. If you were 1 iteming with the dagger, you could easily hit 40 + 40 bleed followed immediately by 40+40 bleed at the speed of a dagger. Many people will argue that ags can hit just as high...but AGS is a lot slower than a dagger, and generally can't be used effectively as a primary weapon.
Now, lets say you aren't 1 iteming. You could combo your 80 total damage abby dagger spec followed immediately by 2 more dds specs, for an insane amount of damage splats on your opponent. Alternatively, you could switch to gmaul and sneak in a quick spec hit then a regular hit, or maybe you're a high roller and switch to ags for a big spec.
It doesn't do much good to just complain, so my solution is a simple one. Just change the spec to 65% instead of 50%. This would prevent any over-powered spec weapons in PvP, and it's still a useful spec for PvM (better than abby whip or ACB anyways).
02-Jun-2015 21:03:01