Just shut the servers down, invest into some server traffic mitigation company, announce when your ready to open the servers, and quit tweeting about future or ingame tweaks you guys are making which no one can experience.
I would then suggest compensating a week of membership to your current members and then also to f2p players as to make amends and give these f2p members a taste for membership with the possibility of turning them into future members.
Also sue these ddossers, if player info I played until 7 am eastern US time and the ddos seemed to stop around 3 am. I would assume the ddossers had to wake up and attend 3rd grade.
I had one of the forum mods also say that shutting the servers down for a set time gives the ddossers what they want. While that is absolutely true I would say the 1 min of log in time your customers are able to get is a waste of their time. While formulating a plan doing a 1 day shut down and executing the plan is more info provided than continuously saying its out of our hands and not having control of your own game.
21-May-2015 20:24:47