This is probably completely obvious but I'll put it here anyway. Anyone at jagex who has any knowledge about ddosing and is capable of working on a fix, should completely drop anything else they might be working on, and focus their entire worktime on this until a solution is worked out.
The oldschool playerbase has the potential to grow steadily, but the constant disconnect issues are blocking this growth, and probably will start to scare more players away. If this isn't fixed ASAP there is no point in fixing any of the other stuff because there are only so many times a person is willing to put up with losing their hard-earned items through no fault of their own.
All of these other issues in this letter are secondary by a long margin compared to this. Bots don't stop us from playing the game. The only thing they do is take away some training spots and ruin a few select money making methods such as dragon bones, but other than that, bots don't stop the honest players from enjoying the game. You can still do anything you want whenever you want, regardless of the presence of bots.
Would you rather have people splashing their way to 99 magic, or risk losing millions of gp whenever you do anything that involves combat?
This is comparable to the situation that was in the original DayZ mod. A zombie survival game, where you were guaranteed to get killed by a hacker at least once every 10 hours. It removed any point in trying to gear up in the game because you knew at the back of your head that you could die at any time because some cheater teleports you to a execution field and then aimbots all the players in the head. Yeah. The worst situation for any risk-based game is players losing their work/progress because the game itself or the servers are faulty.
So yeah, please find a solution to this before any more damage is done. (seeing as others lost much more than my 2m loss in this, I decided to suck it up and focus on skilling for now).
20-May-2015 21:11:09