guys, its lizard squad again, if they can shutdown psn for three days (which happened last time they were doing this) then they can shutdown OSRS. You cant even blame jagex for this lol
and if you dont know who they are google them
I Don't care who is doing the attacks as much as why this is happening.
Jagex shouldn't make its players pay for their own lack of service's.
The lags here on osrs are far worse then I've seen on any game before, its to the point where the game around you is playing fine but you will be unable to move or click anything, this kind of lag is unheard of in rs3 why are we seeing it in osrs?
Lost Coconuts.
Lost Coconuts in a Paradise Lost, monkeys and pirates welcome.
My question is, if Microsoft and Sony couldn't stop this, how the hell is jagex going to?.. it's not anything in jagex's hands anymore lol. you kids obviously don't understand whats going on...
well they can't, didn't last time, won't this time. The product is broken.
Exactly, the game is literally dead, the death mechanics are too harsh with the ddos attacks and if jagex change them the community rages. It's dead, time to talk refunds and be on our merry ways. I'm not being sarcastic either.