why the heck would you do that? at this point, it's not even "old school" anymore. you're putting the facade of RS3 over old school '07 rs. haven't you heard the phrase "don't fix what ain't broken"?
you people in jagex haven't been following that phrase at all. the old page's truer to the 07 page, yet you still want to make it "modern". that's the reason why you screwed over runescape 07 and just runescape in general in the first place... and you want to do it again?? really now?? That's a fatal error in your entire team- to pretty much force-feed "modernity" to the player-base that doesn't even want it.
some things are better left unchanged... because it's not broken in the first place and players are perfectly happy with it.
also you've existed for, what, 15 years now..? and you still don't know how to read the psyche of the player-base? runescape went downhill ever since you decided to axe '07 rs. the player population went from 200k-250k PER DAY to a measly 50k. it rose to 90k now though but what does that say about your decisions and loyalty to the players? it's trash.
you won't ever learn, will you? slowly and slowly, you're beginning to corrupt osrs with rs3. wow.
You should look in the mirror and see what you've become, jagex. it ain't pretty.
27-Apr-2015 00:23:31
- Last edited on
27-Apr-2015 00:52:18