
Dev Blog: Old School Website

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Posts: 987 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Urgent message to Jagex,

I've been playing runescape for almost 10 years, and the thing I liked the most when I started was the runescape website ( currently the oldschool rs website ) .

Why did i like it ? because the looks gave me a medievel feeling, and Its like a banner in the middle of an old town from the years 800.

Please don't change the website looks, because we've seen in the passed once you start changing something good it turnes out into something very bad ( rs3 website).

The new design you are proposing looks already to modern for this game! The current one is perfect, it gives players an exact feeling from what they can expect in the game by just looking at the website.

When a new player looks at the new rs3 website its so busy and complicated.

As for me I like almost everything about oldschool atm, but the more things you will change the less recognizeble the game will be in the future.

For me the less change the better. But I know for some players they want updates somethimes.

I agree with life quality updates, bug fixes, small updates like quests, and such.

I don't agree with graphical updates, layout changes, website changes ( you can make it easier to find certain items, but not the looks).

Here is a list of things you've updated in oldschool that already changed the game a little too much for me:

- Nightmare Zone
- Pets
- Motherload mine

Some Update I rrl liked was the rooftop agility course.



the website atm is one of the most recognizeble features of the game.
And i'm also telling you guys. The succes of oldschool has lots to do with the nostalgic feeling, and ppl like the website because it reminds us all from times when we was younger.

25-Apr-2015 13:06:03



Posts: 987 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
it continues...

I know this is one of a Thousand posts but I hope one jagex mod will read this because I used to be like allot of players, Always wanting updates and changes to make the game better. When suddenly I realised when it was years too late, the game was perfect to begin with.

Jagex I honestly believe most players like myself are here to help you guyz out, because you are just people like we are, and people make mistakes ( rs3 ).

I know you will poll this idea before introduction to the game but please reconsider it even being polled, cuz somethimes a small minority has to protect the bigger intrest of the game.

It does not happen often, but most players are bored with the game after a while so they want changes, and they want them fast, resulting in ruining the game over period of time.
I used to be this player.

My advice for them is go away from runescape for some time and come back when you feel like you have a ton of new ideas.

Also you guyz are building this game to perfection, but the longer and more you guyz work on it, and sit infront of your pc everyday in order to help us with the game, the less you see the real beauty of the game, when you look at the details you Always see mistakes.

Its like a beautifull painting, when standing a little closer, small mistakes start to emerge. but this doesn't make the painting ugly suddenly.

My humble advice to the jagex team is. Take a moment out of the game with the hole team. even if its only a couple hours, no twitch, no yt vid, no work, and have a meeting on howmuch you guyz are rrl changing and what an update from the website would mean for the game.

For me it would mean:

I lose the feeling when I was younger and the nostalgia on wich this game is build on.

This will be the start of updating things that aren't broken. Yes you can change the acces to certain areas of the website, so it makes it easier, but don't change the graphics.

25-Apr-2015 13:17:59



Posts: 987 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Last but not least,

I rarely message on the forums anymore, because other ppl have more time for it and are allot better with spelling than I am.

But this seems like a rrl important issue for me and woke me up to write a message,

I hope the you guyz will take the time too read my call and hopefully answer it or at least discuss it.

I know at first it doesn't look very much of a big change, but believe me you will probaply regret it in the future, it just doesn't feel right.

We all have a point when the current runescape 3 game was messed up, for some it was the graphics, others eoc, others the bonus exp or micro transactions.

well for oldschool it will be the day when you guyz changed the website.

And if updates like this one keep changing my nostalgic feeling, I will quit the game without pardon.

yours sincerely,


25-Apr-2015 13:23:10



Posts: 987 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I read some posts on the thread and to my suprise, allot of oldschool players share the same idea as I do!!

Listen too the players jagex!! if you go thru with this, you will make allot off real oldschool players furious! and its already happining!

If this updated comes around, you will get big riots, and people with quit the game, also it will be your first big mistake!! DONT MAKE YOUR FIRST BIG GAMECHANGING MISTAKE!

b]I read allot of posts and this one kinda told what i said;[/b]

25-Apr-2015 13:37:49 - Last edited on 25-Apr-2015 13:39:52 by Aliensslayer



Posts: 987 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A lot of changes to OSRS have been made that I don't care for, and would rather not have, but THIS makes me angry.

I understand you guys are pushing to increase the userbase and navigation is "tricky" but enough is enough. Knock it off. This is OLD SCHOOL runescape, based off of the runescape site from 2007. It's NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK "MODERN". This is what we asked for. Old School runescape. Not 2011/2012 rs3. If this keeps up, "OSRS" will become EOCRS just like it already did.

To those agreeing with this change, you need to stop brown-nosing in hopes that agreeing with the update will make your chances of being a player mod that much closer.

Jesus people. We have people LITERALLY COMPLAINING that the site looks TOO OLD. Get a hold of yourselves, that's how it's supposed to look!

Grand Exchange came along, whatever. I wouldn't be able to voice my opinion anyways because I am in the minority. Permanent F2P rolled out, okay... What am I supposed to do about that? It was going to happen eventually. Hi-res display? What the heck... Now visual changes to make "old school" runescape into "modern day runescape". Really?

Stop it Jagex. Just stop. I don't care if I'm in the minority here but you need to stop trying to divert Runescape from what it once was. A classic. That's what it was. But it's heading towards 2011/2012 RS3 too soon and too fast.

Edit: Just read all the comments from YOUR osrs userbase. There is a massive hatred for what you're trying to do and what you're pushing to

25-Apr-2015 13:38:01

FockeWulf FW

FockeWulf FW

Posts: 56 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't think it needs to be changed visually. The performance advantages could be achieved with the original current homepage if you essentially remake it codewise but keep it looking the same.

The proposed new homepage isn't drastic and I'm glad you've kept the original goofy banner (although i wonder how long that will last), but it's still too different. Frankly any change takes it away from being the old school Runescape. Any long time returning player such as myself loves to see the original homepage they remember, it's one of the key things which hooks them and makes them think "yeah, this really is old Runescape". Once you change it, they will have to go all the way to making an account to see if it really is old RS, and many players won't bother to go that far if they aren't sure.

It's also begins the slippery slope of endless change. At the moment resistance is high because you're trying to change the original homepage, but if this succeeds, after it, no one will have any opposite to changing a non original non nostalgic homepage, so in other words, if this goes ahead, afterwards you could much more easily get away with turning it into the horrible navy blue mess that RS3 has become.

Also the proposed homepage looks a lot like the homepage they chose for the original RS when they updated it past the current OSRS homepage.

25-Apr-2015 14:50:38



Posts: 9,024 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Looks great, however don't change the hiscores navigation. It's nice, simple, and efficient now; looking at all those options on the side looks overwhelming with the proposed update. Original message details are unavailable.

That is all.

25-Apr-2015 17:22:39

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