A lot of changes to OSRS have been made that I don't care for, and would rather not have, but THIS makes me angry.
I understand you guys are pushing to increase the userbase and navigation is "tricky" but enough is enough. Knock it off. This is OLD SCHOOL runescape, based off of the runescape site from 2007. It's NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK "MODERN". This is what we asked for.
Old School
runescape. Not 2011/2012 rs3. If this keeps up, "OSRS" will become EOCRS just like it already did.
To those agreeing with this change, you need to stop brown-nosing in hopes that agreeing with the update will make your chances of being a player mod that much closer.
Jesus people. We have people LITERALLY COMPLAINING that the site looks TOO OLD. Get a hold of yourselves, that's how it's supposed to look!
Grand Exchange came along, whatever. I wouldn't be able to voice my opinion anyways because I am in the minority. Permanent F2P rolled out, okay... What am I supposed to do about that? It was going to happen eventually. Hi-res display? What the heck... Now visual changes to make "old school" runescape into "modern day runescape". Really?
Stop it Jagex. Just stop. I don't care if I'm in the minority here but you need to stop trying to divert Runescape from what it once was. A classic. That's what it was. But it's heading towards 2011/2012 RS3 too soon and too fast.
Edit: Just read all the comments from YOUR osrs userbase. There is a massive hatred for what you're trying to do and what you're pushing to make rs more modern and cater to the younger userbase. Nobody needs a mobile site, except the children who are constantly on their smartphones.
25-Apr-2015 08:39:36
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25-Apr-2015 08:53:42