On Sunday we did a livestream where we opened the discussion on releasing a full and permanent F2P service for Old School. If you haven’t watched the livestream yet, please make sure you do as this is probably the most important update Old School has ever had. You can watch the livestream here .
Last night we did an AMA on Reddit to answer any questions that you may have. After the AMA we spoke about when the right time was to poll whether we should add F2P and Membership Bonds to Old School. The demand we have seen over the last few days makes us believe that we should be polling this as soon as possible.
Currently we have a GE Tweaks poll running and when that finishes at 10am tomorrow, we will launch the F2P poll with the following question:
Should we add a full and permanent F2P service alongside Membership Bonds?
The F2P poll will be open until 10am GMT Wednesday 4th February.
Membership bonds are very similar to RS3 bonds with the main difference being that you will not be able to redeem them for anything other than membership. We will also not be introducing Runecoins, Squeal of Fortune, Treasure Hunter, Solomon’s Store or any other sort of micro-transactions – we wouldn’t add these without their own poll and there’s no plans for that at all.
When you purchase a Membership Bond through the website you can then either redeem the bond for membership or sell it to another player. If you buy a bond for in game gold from another player you will be able to easily redeem it for 14 days’ of membership.
Bonds have had a great impact on RS3 such as decreasing bots, decreasing the amount of gold entering the economy and reducing RWTing. We expect Membership Bonds to have a similar impact in Old School. There will be less bots, spammers, RWTing and a stronger economy so your efforts are worth more.
During the livestream on Sunday we spoke about why we believed introducing a full and permanent F2P service with Membership Bonds is the right thing to. Introducing Membership Bonds allows us to retain players who lapse out of membership when they have the option of playing a free version of Old School. The result is that we will be in the best position to grow the community over the next 5 years giving us the opportunity to expand the team and deliver bigger and better updates so you can enjoy Old School even more.
If you want more information, please make sure you watch the livestream or read the AMA . It is really important that you get involved with the discussion.
Mods Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, John C, Mat K, Reach, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team

27-Jan-2015 10:25:51 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2015 10:30:53 by Mod Ronan
"We won't be able to offer just permanent F2P, it will have to come with Membership Bonds or not at all."
Because I'd expect quite a few people to vote 'no' thinking they'll have a chance to vote on just perm F2P if this question fails (As a lot of people don't read Newsposts/Devblogs, right?) You will never get anything for free. Anyone claiming that is trying to scam, lure or hijack you.
Twitter: @Hugopluks13 || Dutch
27-Jan-2015 10:30:03
Don't you think the question should in some way say that the only way to get F2P is by accepting Bonds as well? Something along the lines of:
"We won't be able to offer just permanent F2P, it will have to come with Membership Bonds or not at all."
Because I'd expect quite a few people to vote 'no' thinking they'll have a chance to vote on just perm F2P if this question fails (As a lot of people don't read Newsposts/Devblogs, right?)
There will be a summary of the basic information included in the developer blogs at the top of the poll. @JagexRonan
27-Jan-2015 10:34:52
Let's hope many people wont buy ingame wealth.
27-Jan-2015 10:52:04
Click here for detials
27-Jan-2015 11:03:47
27-Jan-2015 11:07:31
This poll will decide the fate of Old School, I have no doubt about that. If we wish to continue to grow and potentially expand more than we can imagine, this poll has to pass, first. I have faith in the community to make the right decision.
27-Jan-2015 11:22:29
27-Jan-2015 11:26:54
The "buying of gold" impact is really not noticeable in RS3, and if it means the game will stay healthy and alive for longer that certainly beats if the game died earlier at which point you won't even have devalued achievements, you would just have nothing and regret you didn't make the choice to ensure the longevity of the game.
27-Jan-2015 11:45:50 - Last edited on 27-Jan-2015 11:47:57 by Wilson
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