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Hey guys, some of the feedback suggests we need think a bit more about some ideas. Firstly, free runes in Castle Wars - many of you are worried about lots of barragers freezing every one all the time. How about if we only supply the elemental runes and mind, chaos and death runes. That way mages can cast up to Fire Blast for free but will have to supply their own blood runes for more powerful spells.
Also, the extra tickets for killing more players or capturing the flag in Castle Wars has raised some concerns about farming the game. We could limit the extra tickets to one extra if you kill 10 or more players and one extra if you capture one or more flags.
Some of you have also mentioned the stats of the penance legs we suggested. We don't want to devalue any existing items, especially not the tassets, and many of you have suggested it should have the same stats as rune legs but with a +1 strength bonus, we'll happily make those the stats if it is what you want.
As T o m m i pointed out people will just use Ice Burst. I suggest making it refund 50% of used runes. It'll have similar effect to accumulator/attractor. It'll refund 50% of runes because you get XP even if your spell don't hit.
About extra tickets. Those are good ideas. I have one more. Restrict those bonus tickets only to designated CW worlds and then go with original idea.
"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape."
-Jagex rule on RWT in 2012
16-Dec-2013 20:43:44