The so-called 75% is a farce anyways. They cheated to get it, and the entire poll was rigged. Look at the number of spam bots, streamers, and clans who were telling the sheep to vote yes. The poll was neither legit nor logical. All they did was bot up the yes votes, and like sheep, the rest of the neophytes, like John Maynard Keynes said, just "herd[ed] and extrapolat[ed]." Sadly, this is the future of OSR, and they plan to run it to the ground after they make it into another Great Depression.
Meantime, Jagex has, at its disposal, a nice, potential blueprint in order to make something good of the OSR incarnation of the GE, and that's the TP. If Jagex can get the GE without placing price tags on items, which should truly be left up to the real players, and allow players to actually see the offers before buying or selling, then it would work greatly. Also, make it so that its in every bank in OSR rather than placing it in one spot like Varrock or Falador. So, to reiterate, no price tags on items would prevent price manipulation and allow players to control prices rather than the system. Make offers viewable to interested buyers and sellers, and allow players to choose their best offers. Also, make it available and accessible from any bank, not just in Varrock or Falador!
As the inevitable debut of the GE looms, all I can do is provide some suggestions and solutions that I hope Jagex takes into consideration. The GE will be a viable solution only if some or all of the following is done.
1. Make it so that the GE doesn't formulate or set prices (GE values) on items. By doing so, the price can't be easily manipulated, and players won't be coerced into buying or selling at the manipulated "market price" all the time. Also, players will maintain a great degree of control over prices rather than the system telling them a formulated buying or selling price. Instead, the GE or price checker should only provide a price range on an item. That would also eliminate the dreaded hassle of buying or selling at 5% over or under the market price. For example, the price of mind runes would show 3-5 GP instead of 4 GP.
2. Like the TP, the GE should show candidate offers from other players so that players can ultimately decide on the best offer rather than going gung-ho on a totally automated system.
3. Instead of a totally automated system, the GE should have a "Buy from Player X" and "Sell to Player X" option. Afterwards, the money or items can be collected from the collection box or the GE.
4. If players need to price an item, it should be done in the same manner as the GE. It should only include a price range (the minimum and maximum price) without giving an absolute value in a similar fashion as OS Buddy's price checker.
5. The only time the mean price, absolute value, or GE value of an item should be implemented is with Coin Share and Loot Share. Otherwise, buying and selling items should be based on a price range and players' willingness.
6. In the event of a newly-released item, again, no GE-suggested price or market value should be given. It should be entirely up to the players to determine the price range as will all items.
7. Lastly, make the GE accessible and available in every bank rather than in just one location. People claim the GE is convenient, but nothing is convenient about being limited to trading in one spot whereas the TP was in all banks.
Hey Metal next time read the dev blog..
They are going to put G.E. in all banks if the poll is a success
Knowing you didnt read that part in the dev blog, did you read it at all?
I'm aware! I'm just reiterating, and there's a lot more work to be done besides that if this is going to be done right. Thank you very much! You guys voted for it, so make it a success, and don't give me the same, old flawed system because EOC has it.
Make all the offers viewable, and allow the player to decide who he or she wants to trade with rather than running on the entirety of an automatic trading system that's heavily prone to price manipulation.
Metal Little
The so-called 75% is a farce anyways. They cheated to get it, and the entire poll was rigged. Look at the number of spam bots, streamers, and clans who were telling the sheep to vote yes. The poll was neither legit nor logical. All they did was bot up the yes votes, and like sheep, the rest of the neophytes, like John Maynard Keynes said, just "herd[ed] and extrapolat[ed]." Sadly, this is the future of OSR, and they plan to run it to the ground after they make it into another Great Depression.
Meantime, Jagex has, at its disposal, a nice, potential blueprint in order to make something good of the OSR incarnation of the GE, and that's the TP. If Jagex can get the GE without placing price tags on items, which should truly be left up to the real players, and allow players to actually see the offers before buying or selling, then it would work greatly. Also, make it so that its in every bank in OSR rather than placing it in one spot like Varrock or Falador. So, to reiterate, no price tags on items would prevent price manipulation and allow players to control prices rather than the system. Make offers viewable to interested buyers and sellers, and allow players to choose their best offers. Also, make it available and accessible from any bank, not just in Varrock or Falador!
The G.E. is not the G.E. without price tags on items or offline trading. Also, the G.E would not be the G.E. if it was placed in every bank.
If you're going to say that, then you might as well have stayed in EOC. Besides EasyScape and sheer laziness, why the hell you voted for it if you want the same old crap? TP could've been a huge success if, like the old saying goes, "fools [didn't] rush in" and actually gave TP a fair shot to realize its full potential. Unlike the GE, offers from players were shown, and it promoted PTP trading and allowed players to pick offers they see fit.
Hey Metal next time read the dev blog..
They are going to put G.E. in all banks if the poll is a success
Knowing you didnt read that part in the dev blog, did you read it at all?
Umm... I have to ask if
actually read the dev blog?
Mod Ronan
Many players have pitched us ideas for how the Grand Exchange could work differently in Old School to how it is in RS3. Particularly popular ideas included placing it in Falador rather than Varrock, or making it available in all banks via the existing Trading Post scenery.
We plan to address these smaller changes in a poll next week if the Grand Exchange passes
The concept of being placed in every bank is an
option yet to be voted on
Grow up Raj, there's no place for truth on the internet.